The most beautiful desert in the world

The most beautiful desert in the world

Categories: Nature | Travel

The blogger aquatek-filips writes: Earlier I already showed some photos from these places, today I will tell you what it is. This is a dump. Yes Yes exactly! All these incredible colors of water, the crazy texture of columns corroded by salt and space landscapes are nothing but abandoned fields for growing ... salt!

And, of course, the most beautiful abandoned house in the world is located in the Crimea!

(Total 23 photos)

The most beautiful desert in the world

The most beautiful desert in the world

1. This story will be more photographic than textual, because there is not much to talk about. Such places need to be seen and shown. Once, in Soviet times, salt was mined here industrially for the chemical industry. They called her "rapa".

The most beautiful desert in the world

2. All these salt fields have clear geometric shapes - squares. Between themselves, they are separated by earth lintels, on which today you can see the remains of wooden structures that were once special platforms for the movement of workers.

The most beautiful desert in the world

3. Today, only half-decayed columns, heavily corroded by salt, remain here, and once they supported the boards, on which not only people walked, but also equipment moved.

The most beautiful desert in the world

4. Between the fields, in addition to flooring, in some places special flow gutters were also organized, with the help of which water was supplied and vice versa was removed from certain areas. The principle of operation of salt fields was simple - salty sea water was supplied at a very low level, and then it naturally evaporated, leaving salt on the ground. Which remained only to collect

The most beautiful desert in the world

5. All the locks have been out of service for a long time, because the water moves from field to field as it pleases.

The most beautiful desert in the world

6. Gateway

The most beautiful desert in the world

7. The red color of the water is given by the unicellular alga dunalyella, which lives in highly saline water and under certain natural conditions begins to multiply very rapidly, making the water a rich red color.

The most beautiful desert in the world

8. The landscapes here are truly fantastic - on the one hand, bright red water, on the other - blue-white-black mud

The most beautiful desert in the world

9. Wooden structures from the effects of salt and time look cosmic

The most beautiful desert in the world

10. Salt pillars stand like soldiers

The most beautiful desert in the world

11. Rows of dividing structures

The most beautiful desert in the world

12. But still the most impressive thing here is the fields themselves

The most beautiful desert in the world

13. In some places, the columns go straight to the sky

The most beautiful desert in the world

14. At dawn, the spectacle is especially impressive.

The most beautiful desert in the world

15. Some columns are so overgrown with salt that they look like salt flowers.

The most beautiful desert in the world

16. Remember photo #9? The same thing, only not against the background of mud, but against the background of red water and white salt

The most beautiful desert in the world

17. Salt Mushroom

The most beautiful desert in the world

18. Kilograms of now unnecessary salt

The most beautiful desert in the world

19. Dragon teeth

The most beautiful desert in the world

20. Rainbow over the salt fields

The most beautiful desert in the world

21. Explosion of the sun from the cloud

The most beautiful desert in the world

22. Island and rainbow again

The most beautiful desert in the world

23. As a bonus, a 360-degree panorama. This is what this place looks like if you stand in the middle of one of the salt fields

Keywords: Abandoned | Crimea

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