The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 million

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 million

Categories: Design and Architecture | North America | Society | Travel

Tony Wells loves Gothic art. He built the so-called "Satan's castle", spending $ 4 million (about 305 million rubles) on it. When the gloomy mansion began to attract the attention of Satanists and tourists, the owner decided to turn it into a museum. Since then, fans of the dark forces have been constantly coming here, and just curious onlookers. Take a look with us at the devil's house, filled with coffins and creepy mannequins.The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 million60-year-old Californian Tony Wells built a mystical castle dedicated to Satan in the city of Rosarito in Mexico. The man was simply obsessed with the project, having invested millions of dollars in it. The owner decorated the house with statues, vintage furniture, antique chandeliers and custom-made gloomy mannequins. Due to the large number of strange antiques, the mansion became uninhabitable.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionInitially, the owner wanted to build a semblance of the devil's church on the beach. Priests came to him more than once to denounce and point out the depravity of the project. Nevertheless, Tony continued the construction. Soon people began to come to him to look at the unusual house.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionThe six-story building is located on the Mexican coast. The owner himself conducts excursions for visitors in it.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionThe castle has become a real tourist attraction of these places. Crowds of people come here every day. Satan worshippers often make sacrifices here and leave gifts for the devil.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionNow the owner lives in the castle for one week a month. He says that his wife Brittany hates this house, but the man continues to invest money in it. Tourists often ask the owner to take a picture with them when he is on the territory of the mansion.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionTony collected more than 800 swords and knives used in battles and served as murder weapons, as well as about 350 antique mirrors and 40 mannequins.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionOn the roof of the castle there is a horned character, who, according to Tony, embodies both the Greek Pan-the deity of forests and fields, and the owner of the museum himself. Tourists take the creepy statue for the devil.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionThe American says that he is not religious, although he grew up in a Catholic family. Nevertheless, he often feels the presence of otherworldly forces when he spends the night in the house.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionIn his bedroom there are chandeliers with 40 candles. Several times Tony woke up to the fact that they suddenly began to shake and sway.

The devil's obsession: a walk through the Mexican "castle of Satan" worth $ 4 millionThe owner says that one night he heard a creepy children's laughter. After that, he stopped spending the night alone in the castle.

Meanwhile, the residents of the county of Derbyshire in England decided to name their son Lucifer. The parents had to fight for the right to give the baby such a name.

Keywords: Antique | Owner | House | Devil | Sacrifice | Horror | Castle | Building | Interior | Mannequin | Mexico | Mysticism | Mansion | Fans | Satan | Satanists | Statues | Strange | Tourists | Host

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