The cutest cross-eyed cat named Spangles
Categories: Animals | Positive
By Pictolic was a unique cross-eyed cat who became an internet star thanks to his adorable and unusual appearance. He was born on the Fourth of July, which inspired his owner Mary Buchanan to name him after the holiday symbol, the flag stars (Spangles). Despite his cross-eyed appearance, Spangles had perfect vision and led an active life, happily posing for the camera and delighting people around the world with his charm.
Spangles loved posing for the camera and wearing various costumes. His owner posted photos on the Internet, and soon the cat became a real celebrity.
Thanks to his adorable appearance and love for photo shoots, Spangles gained many fans around the world. He was a friendly cat who loved to spend time not only with other cats, but also with dogs.
Unfortunately, sooner or later cats go to the rainbow. Spangles left us in 2018, when he was only nine years old.
His death was a sad event for all who loved and admired this cat. However, Spangles lives on in the hearts of people and in the form of internet memes that still convey the joy and warmth that he shared in life.
Spangles wasn't the only animal to become an internet sensation. There are many other famous animals in internet history that have captured the hearts of people around the world. For example, a cat named Grumpy, known for his perpetually "grumpy" expression, has become the symbol of internet memes and has even inspired books and films.
Tuna the dog, who gained popularity with his cartoonish appearance and funny bite. Also worth mentioning is Lil Bub, a kitten with a unique appearance caused by a rare genetic disorder. All these animals, like Spangles, have proven that being special and unique can win over millions of people around the world.
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