The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

Categories: Aerophoto

Drones are becoming an increasingly accessible way to witness and document our amazing world from a different angle. More and more people are taking to the sky with the help of a drone, and the aerial photography societies that are growing by leaps and bounds are even starting to arrange their awards. This time we present the best works and photos of the winners of the SkyPixel photo contest.

SkyPixel is an emerging aerial photography community. The organizers received about 27 thousand works — both from professionals and amateurs. Three categories were announced: "360", "Beauty" and "Drones in Use".

(11 photos in total)

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones Source: Bored Panda

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Exploration", camel caravan in the desert, 1st prize in the professional category "Beauty". Photo: Hanbing Wang/SkyPixel

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Selfie on the spillway", Auckland, New Zealand, 2nd prize in the professional category "Beauty". Photo: Brendon Dixon/SkyPixel

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Crossing over the highway", 1st prize in the amateur category "Beauty". Photo: 诚涵/SkyPixel

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Green waves", 2nd prize in the amateur category "Beauty". Photo: Mauro Pagliai/SkyPixel

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"The fisherman closes the net", Fujian Province in China, winner of the photo contest. Photo: Ge Zheng/SkyPixel

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Happy morning", 1st prize in the professional category "Drones in use". Photo: Roman Neimann/SkyPixel

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Ice River", 3rd prize in the amateur category "Beauty". Photo: Canloker/SkyPixel

We could not pass by the photos that were not awarded any prize, but still deserve attention and encouragement.

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"On the terraces" — rice terraces in China.

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Rainbow lines" — multi-colored rows of tulips are separated by a path. Photo: SkyPixel

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

"Urban freshness" — people escape from the heat in fountains.

The best photos of 2016 taken by drones

Photo: 汪梓祺/SkyPixel

Keywords: Drones | Winners | Photos | Photo contest

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