The 10 most popular excuses for women who don't want to go to the gym
By Pictolic is well aware of the magic combination that works 100% of the time — it's proper nutrition and regular exercise, but nevertheless, many women, knowing this simple truth, still torment themselves with grueling diets and hunger strikes, and dismiss trips to the gym, saying that they don't have time for it and strength. So, dear ladies, you will never lose weight if the following excuses are present in your life that will save you from going to the gym.
1. Excuse #1: "There is no fitness time at all! I was entrusted with a new project, and there was also no horse lying around, I would have to stay at work late. And at home there is also a husband, children, a cat, fish..."
Actually. Yes, there is catastrophically not enough time for anything. Only if you look through the pages in Odnoklassniki for half an hour, write a post or two in LiveJournal, watch the next episode of a new sitcom, call your girlfriends on your mobile… Well, really, it is only necessary to evaluate your schedule impartially, as "black holes" will be found in it, into which your time is flowing.
Therefore, the lack of free minutes is often just an illusion. By the way, very busy business businesswomen easily find an hour or two a week for classes. What's the secret? In the habit of clearly planning and organizing a schedule. Let's follow their example. Write your approximate schedule and allocate only two hours a week for fitness — this will be quite enough to start with. And the husband, and the children, and the fish will only benefit from your good mood.
2. Excuse No. 2: "Now, as luck would have it, there is absolutely no money for a subscription. And you also need to buy a decent uniform, sneakers..."
A subscription to an elite fitness center, of course, costs a lot of money - not many people can afford such a waste. Small middle-class sports clubs come to the rescue. The price of the question is about 1500 rubles per month for one of the types of physical education — swimming in the pool, aqua aerobics, yoga, Pilates, bellidance, etc. Is it difficult to allocate such an amount? Then take advantage of the expanses of the nearest park or the treadmills of the neighboring stadium — they are at your disposal completely free of charge. In the end, you can study at home, moving at the pace set by the instructor from the DVD. Now it will not be difficult to find a CD with workouts from Cindy Crawford or Claudia Schiffer — these divas are in great shape to this day.
By the way, about the sports uniform. It has a very important "content" — motivation for classes. Therefore, it makes sense to practice not in stretched sweatpants, but in a beautiful and high-quality tracksuit. Such an inexpensive kit can be purchased in a branded boutique of a stock supermarket.
3. Excuse #3: "I don't even have the energy for a book or a movie in the evenings — I'm falling off my feet. What kind of dancing or aerobics can there be after work?!"
Oddly enough, but the feeling of "falling off my feet" is removed by the active use of these very legs. And hands, and the whole body. Where to get the strength? From the change of activity — it is a rest in itself, therefore it guarantees a surge of strength. And then active physical exercises trigger a whole chain of chemical reactions in the body — blood circulation increases, metabolic processes accelerate, and most importantly — hormones responsible for our cheerful mood are released into the blood.
4. Excuse No. 4: "I would like, of course, to work out, but somehow not before. Maybe someday it will work out..."
If this excuse is "more dear to everyone", perhaps your "hobby" lies in typical procrastination (mania to postpone everything "for later"). This "disease" nurtures and cherishes the fear of trying something new, even if the current situation does not suit you at all. For example, you are constantly building grandiose plans, which are pleasant to dream about, but they are "out of time" or are always hindered by insidious force majeure. The paradox is that the constant postponement of things does not make your life easier, but on the contrary — leads to an internal "vanity of vanities". Or maybe ask a psychologist for advice and try fitness, dancing, diving — and therefore life in all its taste? The question, as you understand, is rhetorical.
5. Excuse # 5: "With my back (legs, arms, eyes — underline the right thing), a direct road to the doctor, not to the coach ..."
Yes, of course, if there are health problems, you should first consult a doctor. And he — the doctor — will surely "prescribe" to you, along with therapy, an active lifestyle — aka fitness. By the way, if you are concerned about any specific problems, still do not give up training. Just consult a doctor at a fitness club - they will simply select the ideal option for you and determine the optimal loads, which in general will certainly improve your well—being.
6. Excuse No. 6: "Where do I go from yoga to Pilates… At my age, starting training is the height of frivolity"
It is curious that such an excuse comes to mind for ladies of all ages — both at 50 and at 25. There are zero grounds for such a verdict, a lot of harmfulness to the body and appearance. Need proof? You are welcome. Avoiding physical exertion, sooner or later we "wean" our body from the effective use of resources — it begins to work half-heartedly, and then every now and then "crashes". Blood circulation worsens, metabolism slows down, excessive fullness, puffiness, shortness of breath appears — that is, the aging process in all its glory. To radiate freshness and prolong the time of your attractiveness, training is necessary. Feeling an unusual tension, the body mobilizes — and after that, the extra "ballast" will go away, the eyes will shine, the skin will become elastic, which means that for a long time you will be the recipient of a compliment: "You look like a girl!"
7. Excuse #7: "Fitness is so sku-u-uchno!"
If you add sugar to sour lemon juice, you will get a delicious lemonade. So it is with fitness. If you are bored and tiresome, you need to change something with an eye to pleasure. Are you not inspired by the "hardware" in the gym? Change dumbbells to Latin, bellidance or energetic step. If you like water treatments, welcome to aqua aerobics and aquaride (pedaling the simulator in the water is easier and more exciting). If you don't like jumping to the music, work out in the gym, but not alone, but with a friend, sister or husband.
8. Excuse #8: "I've been studying for a whole month, and the results are zero. It turns out that I only spent money..."
Did you go to the sports center for a whole month, and only one kilogram of weight "went to the bottom"? Or did they not consider it a crime to eat a cake after a strenuous workout? Then your frustration is understandable. Unfortunately, many young ladies are sure that fitness is a temporary measure to improve the figure. In fact, this is a way of life, as important an occupation as work or study. And then fitness is not only physical education, but also healthy nutrition, self—care, bright thoughts about yourself — beautiful, attractive, radiant. But do not expect that in a couple of weeks after the start of classes you will become like Angelina Jolie — just train, and the result will come by itself.
9. Excuse #9: "Anyway, I've already missed training — I'll start all over again next Monday. Or Wednesday. Maybe..."
As sometimes happens: you went to training, studied hard, but some circumstance knocked you out of the usual rut, and you are already getting used to the idea: "It was all for nothing." It turns out that the same mechanisms work here as with diets. You try not to go beyond the prescribed calories for a whole week, but then you eat a cake and decide — alas and ah! — the whole diet went down the drain. In fact, one missed workout, like one cake, is not a disaster. And to blame yourself and make promises to do something from Monday, next month, new year means to fall into a psychological trap. It is enough to resume the diet or classes the very next day.
10 Excuse No. 10: "Oh, there are probably all the young ladies flaunting the parameters 90-60-90, and here I am with my FORMS. No, fire me— I don't want to be everyone's laughing stock!"
Perhaps this excuse could take the first place in our "hit parade". Where does she "grow legs" from? Glossy magazines promoting catwalk standards bordering on... symptoms of anorexia have contributed to the fear of being "not the standard". That's why it seems to many that fitness clubs are filled with skinny models who look with contempt at "ordinary mortals" burdened with cellulite and extra kilograms. In fact, 90% of visitors to sports centers are ordinary women who, just like you, want to solve certain aesthetic problems. If you still find it difficult to get rid of your fear, imagine what terrible things can happen if you step over the threshold of the hall. Will they start pointing fingers at you? Will there be laughter or screams of horror? Of course not. And then, everyone — and the perfectly formed beauties — were once beginners and experienced stress from the first step. A competent instructor will help you relax, adapt to the rhythm of classes — and after a couple of workouts you will forget about your "imperfection", feeling all 33 pleasures from body movements.
Keywords: Women | Exercise machine | Workout | Fitness
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