The 10 most extreme points of the world
By Pictolic 1580, the English circumnavigation expedition of Francis Drake rounded the Cape of Good Hope — the south-westernmost point of Africa. In our selection there are the most extreme points of the world that tourists love to visit so much.
1. Cape of Good Hope, South Africa — the most extreme southwestern point of Africa. It is mistakenly considered by many to be the southernmost point of the continent.
2. Cape Marroki (or Cape Tarifa), Spain is the southernmost point of continental Europe.
3. Key West, Florida is the southernmost continental point of the USA.
4. Cape Roca, Portugal — the westernmost point of Europe.
5. Cape Nordkin, Norway is the northernmost continental point in Europe.
6. Cape Piai, Malaysia is the southernmost point of mainland Asia.
7. Cape Cabo Branco, Brazil — there is a lighthouse on the cliffs of the cape, on which there is a sign of the easternmost point of South America, but it is precisely established that in fact the extreme point is the nearby Cape Seixas.
8. Cape Chelyuskin, Russia — the northernmost point of the continent of Eurasia. Anyone interested to visit?
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