Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

Categories: Travel

Hitchhiking? Why not? Comfort, maybe a little, but the impressions will last for a long time. And in order for the impressions to be good, follow simple but mandatory rules.

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Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

1. Rule number 1. Traveling alone is boring. In addition, experience shows that for some reason, drivers are not very willing to pick up single drivers (excluding girls). The ideal combination for hitchhiking is a pair of "boyfriend + girl". Even better - "girl + girl". Drivers have more confidence in couples.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

3. Rule number 2. Consequence of the first. Novice travelers make the same mistake: the girl slows down the car, and the guy hides somewhere in the bushes, jumping out like a jack-in-the-box. The result is obvious: starting abruptly, the driver picks up speed and disappears on the horizon. Do not do that. Two is always two.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

6. Rule number 3. Three for hitchhiking is already a crowd. For a very simple reason: not every car has three empty seats. What about those who travel with a group? Break into groups of two people and arrange meetings at the next point along the route.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

8. Rule number 4. It is best to brake cars on turns - there drivers slow down and look around. Of course, you can try your luck at gas stations and near roadside cafes - this is relatively effective, but there is much less romance.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

11. Rule number 5. Don't be afraid to stop expensive cars. An experienced traveler will confirm: both the owner of a Lexus and the grandfather in an old Muscovite can give a lift with equal success.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

14. Rule number 6. Calculate the time so as not to be on the track at night: at this time, almost no one stops. Besides, it's unsafe. The average speed of a hitchhiker is 50 km/h.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

17. Rule number 7. If within half an hour (provided that the place is chosen correctly) no one has stopped - no luck. Change place. For some reason, it is enough to reach the next turn, and everything will change. Don't know why, but it works.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

20. Rule number 8. The phrase "We are hitchhiking" means that no one is going to pay for the road. Drivers usually understand this well. But still, it’s worth immediately dotting all the i’s. There is no need for heartbreaking “we ourselves are not local” stories. Show your imagination. Or just smile again.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

23. Rule number 9. They put you in a car. Truckers do this so as not to fall asleep - they often spend a day on the road with almost no rest. So entertain them with conversation. In other cases, act according to the situation: if the driver is silent and focused, it is better to be silent. Perhaps he does not need a companion - he stopped only to help you.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Ten Rules for Hitchhikers

25. Rule number 10. The driver, as a rule, does not expect money from you. A simple and sincere "thank you" is what is expected of you. Don't be fooled by expectations.

Ten Rules for Hitchhikers


Keywords: Hitchhiking rules

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