Talented artist carves celebrity portraits on... bananas

Talented artist carves celebrity portraits on... bananas

Categories: Design and Architecture | Positive | World

Vera Wang (Vera Wong) is an artist and designer from new York, who in his free time turns bananas into organic works of art. It turns out very unusual and, most importantly, delicious creativity. However, with a limited shelf life.

Talented artist carves celebrity portraits on... bananas

New York-based artist Vera Wong draws celebrities on bananas. She usually does this during Breakfast.

Talented artist carves celebrity portraits on... bananasTrainer Joe exotic with its striped pet

These drawings Faith makes since 2013. After she noticed that the skin became brown in the places where she used to, she decided to wrap the oxidation process in their favor, and began to use sharp objects to create portraits.

Using the same technique as tattoo artists, Hani pierces the banana peel hundreds of times a specific pattern, creating a beautiful, ethereal portraits of celebrities.

Talented artist carves celebrity portraits on... bananasSnoop Dogg

In order to produce such portrait at Hani takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours, after which she photographed the result of their work and eats fruit.

However, few people will be able to create the same detailed work.

Talented artist carves celebrity portraits on... bananasVlas from sesame Street

Keywords: Bananas | Funny portraits of the artist

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