Stunning pictures of temples from the entrance to the altar in one photo

Stunning pictures of temples from the entrance to the altar in one photo

Categories: Design and Architecture | Photo project

For photographer Richard Silver, another trip to the church in New York became a real epiphany: he suddenly had the thought: "How would you photograph the whole church completely, from the altar to the entrance?" And since Richard is not as flexible as he would like, he could not photograph the whole church inside without turning around. Not wanting to break his neck, he decided to resort to the good old means of photographers — Photoshop. With his help, he combined photos of the same church, creating a kind of panoramic view from the inside. It turned out delicious.

Stunning pictures of temples from the entrance to the altar in one photo

Stunning pictures of temples from the entrance to the altar in one photo

To take such pictures, Richard stands in the center of the aisle of the church and takes 6-10 frames, which he then superimposes on each other. In the photo on the left: the Church of St. Vincent de Fields, Los Angeles. On the right: St. John the Baptist Church, New York.

Stunning pictures of temples from the entrance to the altar in one photo

Stunning pictures of temples from the entrance to the altar in one photo

Stunning pictures of temples from the entrance to the altar in one photo

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