"Stuck record": how to get rid of an obsessive song stuck in your head

Each of us has suffered more than once from an obsessive song stuck in our head, which repeats an infinite number of times, like on a damaged record. It turns out that getting rid of an obsessive melody is very simple. An Australian scientist has found a great way for which only chewing gum is needed. Learn more about it from our material.

"Stuck record": how to get rid of an obsessive song stuck in your head

Dr. Karl Krushelnitsky, who lives in Australia, says that obsessive melodies sit in the heads of 92% of the adult population. Sometimes the song does not "turn off" for several days, which leads to extreme irritation.

The scientist claims that the easiest and most effective way to get a melody out of your head is chewing gum. It helps to distract and forget intrusive sounds. This is due to the fact that the same areas of the brain are responsible for chewing as for playing music in consciousness.

"Stuck record": how to get rid of an obsessive song stuck in your head

Dr. Karl became interested in the problem after a listener asked him a question during a live broadcast on the radio. The woman complained that Lady Gaga's song "Bad Romance" does not get out of her head. After receiving advice from a doctor to chew gum, she called back on the air 10 minutes later and said that it really helped.

"Stuck record": how to get rid of an obsessive song stuck in your head

The expert explained that our brain is programmed to enjoy music, which leads to the appearance of the "stuck record" effect. In addition to chewing gum, you can try listening to the annoying song again, or, conversely, stop listening to it at all. Also, reading to yourself, listening to another melody and playing musical instruments will help you switch.

"Stuck record": how to get rid of an obsessive song stuck in your head

Dr. Karl says that obsessive melodies have several characteristics. Usually these are songs from a person's native culture, and, as a rule, they have a faster tempo and consist of a large number of repetitions.

Our brain is capable of many things, but at the same time, it sets traps that prevent us from thinking. Because of this, we are lazy and work less productively.

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