Silicone breast saved her mistress's life by stopping a bullet

Silicone breast saved her mistress's life by stopping a bullet

Categories: Health and Medicine

It turns out that silicone breast implants can serve their mistress not only as decoration, but also as protection. A resident of Canada, her artificial pride saved her life by stopping a pistol bullet flying straight into her heart. As a result, the breast was hopelessly damaged, but the hostess survived, having escaped with a soft tissue injury and a rib fracture.

Silicone breast saved her mistress's life by stopping a bullet

A 30-year-old resident of Ontario was walking down the street and suddenly felt a blow and a burning sensation in the area of her left breast, and then saw blood on her clothes. Unable to determine what happened, the victim got to the hospital on her own, where she was immediately sent for an X-ray. To everyone's surprise, the picture showed a bullet stuck in a silicone breast implant, directly opposite the heart.

Silicone breast saved her mistress's life by stopping a bullet

The bullet hit the Canadian woman's bust, but could not penetrate the silicone, changed the trajectory and only broke the woman's rib. Doctors are convinced that if not for the artificial breast, everything would have ended sadly and the bullet hit the woman in the heart. The injury received by the victim is unpleasant, but it cannot be called severe.

Silicone breast saved her mistress's life by stopping a bullet

Of course, I had to get rid of the silicone pride, and the broken rib will remind me of itself for some time, but the main thing is that the young woman remained alive and did not even receive a serious injury. Doctors advised her to wait with a new breast for at least six months until her wound heals completely.

Silicone breast saved her mistress's life by stopping a bullet

Previously, after studying the properties of silicone implants, scientists have suggested that they are able to stop bullets. But this idea was based only on the results of computer modeling. This case proved that the theory is correct. So far, the police have not been able to find the shooter, but law enforcement officers are sure that the bullet was not stray and the victim was targeted specifically to take her life.

Keywords: Breast | Implants | Canada | Police | Bullet | Silicone | Shooting

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