Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

Categories: Cinema | World

Most people consider love to be one of the most beautiful feelings in the world, but sometimes it can literally drive you crazy. We share a selection of the best films about the madness of love.

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings"Blue Velvet", "Last Tango in Paris", "Obsession— - the theme of sick love is actively covered in the cinema, revealing all the facets of crazy feelings, whether it is the desire to save a lover or to achieve fame and recognition in your favorite business at any cost.

Desperate sacrifices, abandonment of their own principles, complete surrender to passion - the heroes of the tapes from our selection today allowed themselves to experience the whole palette of shades of crazy love.

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

The film by Bernardo Bertolucci, released in 1972, is a story of crazy and forbidden love, full of contradictions, frankness and real passion. Thanks to the symbiosis of an exciting plot, talented acting and the visual component of the picture, the film has gained cult status and firmly cemented its position in the film industry market.

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

David Lynch's film "Blue Velvet" is a real ode to crazy feelings. A young guy Jeffrey, overcome by passionate curiosity, a charming musical performer Dorothy, whose personal drama turned into an obsession, the villain Frank Booth, eaten by lust and anger — each of the characters of the tape is blinded by a strong feeling in his own way.

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

The film "Bitter Moon" by Roman Polanski was released in 1992. The film reveals to the viewer the details of the relationship of a married couple who are trying to discover new facets of their dulled feelings by all available means.

As part of the search for new sensations, the couple go on a cruise, where they meet Mimi and Oscar is a husband and wife whose love has such a strange and frightening character that it simultaneously borders on hatred, contempt, desire for revenge, passion and anger.

This erotic thriller has taken a confident position in the modern film industry — a fascinating plot full of a variety of emotions, talented acting, director's work and stylistic component provided the project with the love and recognition of viewers and critics.

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

"Cutting through the Waves" is a melodrama authored by one of the most eccentric directors of our time, Lars von Trier. In the center of the plot is a strange and confusing love story of a young and extremely religious girl Bess and her adult spouse Jan. The film is replete with both spiritual and physical revelations of the characters, and the plot tightly intertwines spirituality, psychology and physicality.

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

The movie "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", shot by Woody Allen in 2008, tells about the love adventures of four characters at once. There is a place of passion, sincerity, tenderness, hatred, jealousy and pain in their story, which creates a truly unique plot filled with romance and drama at the same time.

The talented performance of Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson and Rebecca Hall, as well as fine directorial work and a detailed script provided the film with the fame of one of the cult works of the modern film industry and several prestigious awards at once.

Sick Love: 6 cult films about unhealthy feelings

The drama "Obsession", which became the successful debut of director Damien Chazelle, tells about the mad love of talented drummer Andrew Nieman (Miles Teller) to music and his painful relationship with his teacher, maestro Terence Fletcher (J. K. Simmons).

A sincere desire to achieve your goal at any cost, the agony of humiliation and despair, disappointment and pain — the title of this tape perfectly describes the degree of love that is being discussed in the movie.

The film was widely recognized by the public, and was also awarded a number of awards, including three Academy Awards, a Golden Globe and a Sundance Film Festival prize.

Keywords: Love | Compilation | Movies | Feelings

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