Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Categories: Design and Architecture | Holidays and Festivals | Life hacks

Everything has to make sense! Ornate paper patterns are, of course, great, but so ordinary and boring. We have collected for you 25 examples of Christmas decorations that will earn you a reputation as a genius. If not in physics, then in the mastery of scissors — for sure!

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Marie Curie

Download the layout and start the chemistry!

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Erwin Schrodinger

Schrodinger's snowflake, which is definitely there at this link.

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Albert Einstein

Regarding the layout of this snowflake, you are the creator.

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

The Batman

Save Gotham.

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Iron man

Cut out a snowflake, and let's go to the shawarma!

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

The Punisher

Punish the paper with scissors.

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Storm (X-Men)

Create a little paper storm on your wall.

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!


Super Snowdrops

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Heroes of the new part of the legendary epic "Star Wars":

Sheldon Cooper approves, or Punish the paper with scissors!

Symbols of houses from the book "Game of Thrones":

May the New Year be with you, because despite the fact that everything is relative, it seems that winter is really close!

Keywords: Star wars | Game of thrones | New year | With your own hands | Snowflake | Superheroes | Physics

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