Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Categories: Design and Architecture

Very often, a favorite hobby suddenly turns into a profession. But not always a person reaches great heights in this matter. The Swede Joakim Karlsson (Joakim Karlsson) everything turned out well. For a long time he perceived photography as a way to escape from the hustle and bustle, and then it turned out that he imperceptibly became a Master with a capital letter. Now his pictures can be seen on advertising posters and in glossy magazines. But Karlsson is not only engaged in commercial photography. For the soul, he makes beautiful erotic pictures. (Careful! Nude).

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Joakim Karlsson was born in 1979 in Sweden, in a provincial town surrounded on all sides by picturesque forests and rocks. As a child, he drew a lot, inspired by the beauties of his native nature. And in the 9th grade for the first time I picked up a camera and became interested in photography. At that time, all the settings had to be done manually, but this did not frighten the teenager. He quickly mastered the technique, and he learned how to print pictures himself.

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Karlsson did not take his hobby seriously until 2007, when he tried himself in portrait photography. Taking pictures of people, he felt like an artist, and that decided everything. Joachim started collaborating with several Swedish magazines, and his career as a photographer went up.

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Now the photographer remembers how difficult it was for him at first to work with serious customers. He had no special education and learned everything from his own mistakes. But out of the torments of a confused amateur, a confident professional was born. For several years Karlsson has been among the most sought-after fashion photographers in Europe.

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

And four years ago, the photographer tried himself in the erotic genre. It turned out that he also has a talent for taking sensual pictures, which he did not even suspect. While there are not so many nude works in the master's archive and Karlsson himself does not consider himself an expert. But his pictures are highly appreciated at exhibitions and willingly bought.

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Sensual works by Swedish fashion photographer Joakim Karlsson

Erotic photography is not easy at all. But having mastered this genre, you can take pictures not only exciting, but also very interesting. A good example is a photographer from Dnipro, David Dubnitsky. Each of his works is a whole story.

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