Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

Categories: World

Residents of an Indian village worship a six-year-old boy as an incarnation of a Hindu deity. And the thing is that because of the disease, his forehead and lower eyelids were deformed. Pranshu from Jalandhar village in Punjab was born with such a defect and cannot walk. His fellow villagers consider him a divine child and the reincarnation of Ganesha. This deity is depicted with an elephant's head and a human body, it brings people good luck, wealth and success in business.

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Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

Even the boy's teachers bow their heads before him. Every Thursday he meets with a crowd of believers at the entrance to the temple. Pranshu's father, Kamlesh, also believes that his son is a deity. "I also worship him, as do the other villagers. His whole body is like that of the god Ganesha. He blesses everyone. The villagers who meet him have their wishes fulfilled. He goes to school every day, and when people see my son, they greet him with flowers," says the boy's father.

Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

According to Kamlesh, the resemblance to Ganesha was noticeable in Pranshu from birth. "He had eyes like the god Ganesha. He was born with a big head, and even now it is increasing," says the father.

Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

Pransh seems to like the image of a religious idol. He says: "I look like Ganesha and people don't even know my real name. My teachers worship me at school too. My friends don't tease me because they believe that I am the god Ganesha. I love being called Ganesha Ji. It makes me happy. I only want to be like that. I'm happy with my big head and face."

Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

The boy was born in a poor family. His father is a simple worker who earns less than five dollars a day. Pranshu has four brothers, including an older brother with the same disease. But he can walk on his own, unlike Pranshu. The boy was taken to a local doctor a year after birth, but he could not make a final diagnosis and offer treatment.

Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha


Residents of an Indian village worship a boy with a deformed head as the god Ganesha

Keywords: Gods | Faith | Village | Defects | Deformity | Disease | Hinduism | Boy

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