Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

Categories: North America | Society

In most countries of the world, city dwellers treat the inhabitants of the outback somewhat dismissively. They were thrown the undeservedly offensive “collective farmer” in their faces; in Russia they might call them “hillbillies.” There are such people in the USA - they are called rednecks, which literally means “red neck”. True, in America these people proudly bear this name and even consider themselves a special caste and the “salt of the American soil.”

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

American farmers were once called rednecks because of their red necks from sunburn. These were rude people, a little simple-minded, but quick to kill. Now this is the name given to any residents of the outback who adhere to a special style of clothing, behavior and worldview.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

It’s not difficult to recognize a redneck even in a city crowd. And all because these people are given away by their special manner of dressing and unusual turns of speech. They are rough, fun and familiar, loving cowboy hats and boots, as well as pickup trucks.

The addiction to these cars is explained simply - most of these guys live and work on farms, where they often need to transport goods. But even if a redneck is not associated with the agricultural sector, economics is in his blood, so a pickup truck is indispensable.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

These are true patriots of America, among whom there are also guys with openly racist views and a disdainful attitude towards intelligent people. But it’s better not to get into arguments with rednecks. Firstly, they are used to solving problems with their fists. And secondly, almost every one of them carries with them a shotgun or a huge grandfather’s revolver.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

Rednecks can live either on a ranch with very respectable houses or in an elaborate trailer on the edge of the forest. At the same time, you do not always distinguish outwardly “rednecks” with different levels of income. The Confederate flag almost always flies outside their home. Strangers are not welcome here: a couple of bull terriers or Rottweilers hang around the house.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

An essential attribute of any redneck home are folding chairs and tables in the yard. This is a sacred place for the inhabitants of the outback. Here they meditate over a can of beer and spend hours having leisurely conversations about a variety of things. In their spare time, rednecks prefer to hunt, fish, or hang around the TV watching endless wrestling matches.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

Most rednecks are very religious from early childhood. Perhaps this is due to their simple views on life, because having the Bible at hand can justify any irresponsibility and bias. Extreme piety easily coexists in these people with a passion for foul language and drinking.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

Rednecks are dressed simply and this makes them stand out from other Americans. Even if these guys aren't wearing a Stetson or cowboy boots, they're unmistakably identifiable by their frayed jeans or shorts with lots of pockets, plaid shirts and baseball caps. Redneck guys prefer not to part with days-long stubble, and girls are almost all blonde, often dyed.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

Where rednecks gather, there is always its own atmosphere. There whiskey and beer flow like a river, engines roar and country music sounds. These guys' favorite pastime is all kinds of racing on anything, from ATVs to huge trucks. Rednecks love to show their skills in chopping wood, dragging heavy objects, repairing various mechanisms and, of course, in fistfights and wrestling.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

At one time there were even “Redneck Summer Games”, but then they faded away. Most likely, the freedom-loving nature of the rednecks could not tolerate the officialdom of the event organized by the authorities.

Therefore, the “hillbillies” are constantly organizing something themselves, for example, off-road racing in the mud, where the prize can be anything, for example, a live pig. The “Miss Redneck Alabama” beauty contest from the outback didn’t catch on either, and the problem is the same, and not at all due to the lack of blondes with breathtaking figures and pretty faces.

Rednecks: how the white hillbilly of the USA lives

Yes, redneck ladies are not only stately and pretty, but also skillful. They will not vote on the highway for help to change a tire, but, on the contrary, they can help someone themselves. Determination is in the blood of these girls, so any of them will slap a boor in the face without hesitation, no worse than any village guy.

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