People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

Categories: People | Photo project | Positive | Social Networks | Society | World

With thousands of disturbing pictures circling online, disgust culture has been captivating netizens for quite some time. While it might seem like a strange behavior that the human species exhibits, scientists have found that this emotion has evolved to seize our attention. Some might even find it pleasant due to our tendency to seek out negative experiences without facing real danger.

Such enthusiasts might find the “Make Me Suffer” online community just the right place for them. From “minor” injuries to black widow bites, it contains posts that may disturb you for a while but won’t cause any physical harm. Scroll down to feel a little thrill; after all, the benefits of adrenaline can be surprisingly positive.


People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#1 Went 20 Years Without Brushing Teeth

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#2 Dislocated My Ankle At A Trampoline Park (18m)

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#3 I've Had Worse Dates

A friend of mine sent me this. This is her date house.

Once we become aware of disgust, it suddenly becomes all around us. Like finding roadkill on your daily job commute or shivering at the sight of cockroaches running on subway tracks. At work, you may feel repulsed by the smell of fish someone heated up in the breakroom.

At home, you wash dishes that have been sitting in the sink for far too long and throw out moldy food that’s been in the fridge for weeks. It’s very unlikely that our days go by without experiencing even a smidge of this seemingly unpleasant feeling.

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#4 Suddenly My Life Isn’t So Bad

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#5 Ten Years Ago Today I Got A Pencil Stuck In My Foot

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#6 I Turned Away For Maybe Two Minutes And A Fly Laid Eggs On My Pizza

Psychologists who study disgust explain that it’s one of the six basic emotions that define and explain humanity. It shapes our behavior, etiquette, new technology, and even relationships. The feeling is responsible for us wearing deodorant and perfume, inventing a knife and fork, and even starting a viral TikTok trend that points out our partner’s “icks.”

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#7 My Brother's Toe Nail He Refuses To Care For. Total Pork Rind

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#8 About 8 Years Ago On Halloween I Went To Clean My Face And Grabbed What I Thought Was A Clump Of Makeup In My Eyelash And Pulled..... Yeah, It Was My Artificial Tear Duct

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#9 Black Widow Bite

Black Widow got me on the back of my right knee while I was sleeping

Darwin initiated disgust studies when he described an encounter in “The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals” with a “savage” who poked the cold, preserved meat he was eating, showing “utter disgust at its softness.” In return, he was repulsed by a stranger sticking his fingers in his food.

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#10 You Know How Women Just Back Up To The Toilet And Sit Down? I'm So Glad I Looked

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#11 Til Urethral Sounding Is A Thing People Do

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#12 Just Had This Popped At The Hospital!

Following this, one of the most important works on this paradox was Aurel Kolnai's, who pointed out that it often holds “curious enticement.” He assigned smell, taste, sight, and touch as the senses through which this feeling enters our system and pointed out hearing as a weak transmitter of disgust.

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#13 My Buddy Has Trenchfoot

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#14 Was Eating Fried Rice And I Bit Into A Cockroach

People Share Pictures That Make Others ‘Suffer’, And It Gets Worse The More You Look At Them

#15 I Think I Removed Some Brain Matter When I Took Out My AirPods

Andras Angyal argued that it extends beyond the senses and includes the associations we attribute to them. He illustrated his statement by referring to a time he was walking through a field and smelt the pungent, decaying smell of an animal. The moment he realized it was only glue he found the odor “quite agreeable.”

Keywords: People | Pictures | Social networks | Social media | Danger | Negative experiences | Strange behaviors

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