Passions for the mole do not subside, now Rospotrebnadzor has joined

Passions for the mole do not subside, now Rospotrebnadzor has joined

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine

Not so long ago, the network discussed a tincture on a dead mole with the piquant name "molehill". One blogger even posted a video with a tasting of the drink, which is difficult to take seriously. But in some places they got into the new trend so much that they spent time debunking it. It is easy to guess that the vigilant Rospotrebnadzor began to beat the bells. The agency broke out with publications warning Russians against drinking a fashionable drink.

Passions for the mole do not subside, now Rospotrebnadzor has joined

It is quite possible that officials from supervisory agencies are recruited from among people without a sense of humor. There is also a version that this important skill is removed by them before taking office operationally, under general anesthesia. Otherwise, it is very difficult to explain what is happening.

On the official channel of Rospotrebnadzor, an appeal to the Russians appeared in the telegram, which looks like this:

This is followed by a brief introduction to mole science with ominous sketches from a school textbook of zoology. Experts of the department remind that moles feed on insects and worms, which are often intermediate hosts of parasites.

Passions for the mole do not subside, now Rospotrebnadzor has joined

In addition, roundworms of trichinella, visible only under a microscope, may be present in the muscles of the moles themselves. Also, flatworms trematodes and even very large tapeworms can live in the intestines and liver of moles.

So Rospotrebnadzor, which has caught courage, continues to frighten mole lovers. It is particularly clarified that the alcohol in which the carcass of the animal is immersed is powerless against zooanthroponotic and helminthic diseases. Therefore, those who dare to taste the "nectar of mole death" are waiting for countless diseases, depression, death and decay.

Passions for the mole do not subside, now Rospotrebnadzor has joined

So if you are going to try a drink, the taste of which is poetically described as "alcohol with moldy earth after rain in a deciduous forest," get ready to take all the burden of responsibility on yourself. You've been warned!

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