Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Categories: Exhibition | World

Jen Stark is an artist from Miami. Using colored paper, glue and scissors, she creates three-dimensional patterns by cutting out each layer separately and then gluing them together. According to Jen herself, this activity is meditative: one small job takes a couple of weeks and hundreds of sheets of paper.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Florida artist Jen Stark cuts out sculptures with hypnotic effect from colored paper and makes colorful drawings inspired by the works of Kandinsky.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Jen is not one of those masters who carefully adhere to the style that made them famous. She works with acrylic, and separately with paper (of course, we are talking about her multi-layered rainbow sculptures), and with plastic, and with wood, even with metal. But the recognizable feature is still traced - Jen uses the entire color palette and natural shapes and textures, which leads to infinity with repetition.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

The sculptures that you can see now (unfortunately, only in photographs) are made of acid-free paper and wood as the basis (this is almost not noticeable). Acid-free paper is good mainly because even over time it does not turn yellow at all and keeps the original color perfectly. In some places, holographic paper is even used, and it is hardly necessary to explain the advantages of its use in art.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Multi—layered and neat 3D sculptures made of paper look great in a strict interior - just imagine this eye-catching bright spot. Such art objects will always be relevant.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Jen loves fractals and mathematics and, according to precise calculations, draws and cuts out piles of paper sheets. From some of them, the artist also makes stop-motion animation.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Like exploding rainbows, Jen Stark's works flash in different colors. Inspired by intricate patterns in nature, the artist uses mountains of colored paper to create elegant geometric sculptures

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Depending on the size of the work and the degree of its complexity, Jen Stark spends from a few days to a week or two on its creation. First, the artist creates a sketch of her work, then carefully selects colors. After that, she alternately cuts out the layers of paper, one by one. In her work, the girl uses only an X-Acto knife, a ruler, a pencil and sometimes a compass. All her paper sculptures are handmade, and Jen admits that this work requires a lot of patience.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Contrasting colors, swirled in a vortex of form, cause a feeling of dizzying movement.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

The images are taken by the artist from nature and geometric abstractions.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper sculptures evoke associations with tree rings, funnels of a dark pool, clusters of microorganisms under the eyepiece of a microscope, fantastic fractals.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Amazing panels have the effect of psychedelic illusions of op art.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Jen Stark calls her works "little pieces of infinity that are the building blocks of nature.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

The inclusion of these unusual colorful complex decorative elements in the interior design will give an amazing result. The room will be filled with meditative energy, will become fascinating and unique.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Jen Stark received her professional education at the College of the Arts in Maryland. She works in a variety of environments, including wood, metal, oil paints, plastic, and animation. But she became widely known thanks to colorful paper products.

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

Paper Infinities by Jen Stark

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