Painfully Ridiculous Family Photos
Categories: North America | Positive
By Pictolic people like shared family photos. Nobody likes to shoot them or shoot for them. Surely someone will close their eyes at the right moment, yawn or turn away, so you have to reshoot everything again.
We present family portraits that are a real disaster - no matter for what reason, be it accidental or, on the contrary, intentional. Although, judging by the faces in the portraits, some participants in the action do not at all consider the photograph a failure.
And yes, of course, these are family photos of Americans.
(Total 13 photos)
Uh-uh, this is brother and sister, apparently.
Family gatherings are the best.
The girl sends a signal for help.
Photo of the first meeting with parents.
Keywords: Absurdity | Relatives | Family archive | Family | Funny | USA
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