Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Categories: Cinema

Actors often change their appearance for a role like using makeup, and much more radical methods: slimming, polneya or gaining muscle mass. Any experiments with the physical form invariably produces an impression on the audience, and one can understand why: stick yourself a fake nose or fake bald head just like then get rid of them, you can not say about extra pounds. Never ceasing to wonder at the dedication of the actors, recall the brightest of the Transfiguration in the movie.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Jake Gyllenhaal, Stringer

"Stringer" will be released in Russian cinemas, and it's a shame, because the film is outstanding, as a character, played by Gyllenhaal. For the role of a crime journalist-taught named Lou actor dropped 11 pounds and returned to his crown the role of a guy weirdo. Painful thinness of Gyllenhaal in "Stringer" visually echoes the insinuations of his character. Already in the first frame when looking at the hero becomes scary, but in the course of the story it becomes obvious that in front of us abruptly psychopath Patrick Bateman.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Matthew Fox, I, Alex Cross

A couple of years ago, the star of "lost" have returned to us in a completely unrecognizable form of a brutal serial killer, nicknamed Picasso — wiry, shaven-headed and dangerous. To relieve the audience from the Association with the ever-nagging Jack of the Lost Fox helped weight loss (minus 18 kilograms) and enhanced training. With the actor doing the same instructor that helped inflate an impressive chest Jake Gyllenhaal for "Prince of Persia" and prepared for Chris Evans to "the First avenger". By the way, mom Fox his physical transformation was upset, because she is Italian and loves how you should feed your son. Looking at the skinny actor, we understand very well.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Jared Leto, Chapter 27

Hard to believe, but once Jared Leto did not compare with Jesus right and left, however, his appearance attracted much attention. In 2007, the Summer I gained 30 pounds to play the murderer of John Lennon in "Chapter 27". To play a mentally ill man was hard and physically: in addition, Summer gout, as well as dangerously high levels of cholesterol; since then, the actor vowed not to gain weight for roles. Questions from critics and loved ones and fans Lennon caused, however, not his game, but the fact of the creation of the film. Drawing attention to Mark Chapman, in the opinion of many, only works on the hand of the man who sought the glory of such a monstrous way.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Charlize Theron, Monster

Another story killer also required to gain noticeable weight — in this case from Charlize Theron, who played Aileen Wuornos in 2003. For the film based on the story of the woman who stood in the way of serial killing, Theron gained an extra 15 pounds and shaved his eyebrows. In addition, she had to wear false teeth and a matching make-up — all this appearance Theron hardly recognizable, but it's for the best. The actress is completely distanciruemsa from self and plunges into madness, possession of her character, and altered appearance helps to make the game more realistic and frightening — it is not surprising that the role of Wuornos, she received the "Oscar".

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Chris Pratt, Guardians of the galaxy

Andy from "Parks and recreation" was impossible not to love and for his development of the parasite and Bumpkin to independent adult, and round hips. Pratt admits that his wife loves him a soft more but this did not prevent him to go on a chicken diet for "Guardians of the Galaxy" — in the new sci-Fi from the Andy disappeared. Pratt not only dropped weight, but also so pumped up that he just did not know. Unexpectedly, the actor was in the lists of the new sex symbols, but we're still in first place we love him for his comedic talent and sense of humor.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Matt Damon, The Informant

For Matt Damon heaven looks just McDonald's for Breakfast, lunch and dinner — at least some look so his diet when he had to gain weight for "The Informant!". Actor, by his own admission, was perfectly happy before gaining an extra 15 pounds for the role in the film Soderbergh. Damon tried to be more like his character Michael Whitaker, the FBI informant who helped gather evidence of price collusion in the company. Here is a "secret agent" is not similar to born in appearance, but tricks him, as it turned out, not to take.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Bradley Cooper, American sniper

The sexiest man, according to People magazine, went on a radical change in appearance for the new Clint Eastwood movie. The history of "American sniper" asked Cooper to become the most similar to its prototype of the sniper Chris Kyle, a soldier of the United States Navy. To look like a real Navy seal, Cooper scored a huge muscle weighs almost 20 pounds. On a drastically altered the actor can be seen in a movie in March of 2015 — two years after he was shot and killed Chris Kyle. Kyle was the most feared sniper of US troops on his account about 225 murders, some of which are not officially confirmed.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Michael Fassbender, Hunger

The first important role for the future of a sex symbol, made him famous in film-fan web community. Former contemporary artist Steve McQueen filmed the real story of the famous hunger strike of 1981, where Fassbender plays the main character — arrested IRA activist Bobby Sands, who continues his radical against the only remaining way — with his own body. Frightening beauty of the film is a complex topic and sacrifice Fassbender, literally easyhouse and dissolving in the air, brought the actor the award, the British Independent Film Award for best role. By the end of filming, the actor lost weight -58 kg — at the frightened even his match, at this level the real Bobby Sands made the last entry in her diary.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Tom hardy, the Dark knight: the legend

Tom hardy has always been a tough guy and not just gaining additional muscle mass for filming in the next movie — remember though biopic of Charles Bronson, though the sports drama "Warrior". However, it is the image of Bane, the villain with a difficult childhood, brought hardy love and respect among the fans of exercises with free weights. For this role, the actor swung to the state of the mountain gained 13 pounds of muscle. No wonder the query "Tom hardy Bane" Google mostly gives instructions on how to repeat the fitness of the actor feat.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Toni Collette, Wedding Muriel

Looking at Toni Collette today, it is difficult to imagine what was in her acting career a short period when she deliberately weighed almost 20 pounds more than usual. In the mid‑90s, Collette played a provincial girl who dreamed about getting married, but could not achieve your goal. The writers of the movie did not think long and gave the character is a loser classic attributes: being overweight, bad taste and good heart. Immediately after the shooting, with the help of nutritionists actress lost weight and since then has consistently maintained sports uniforms.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Elizabeth Taylor Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?

In the mid‑60s Liz Taylor was one of the most gorgeous Actresses in Hollywood. A considerable role was played by "Cleopatra" — epic, released in 1963, where Taylor sparkled dramatic neckline and a wasp waist and which fell in love with his partner in the film by Richard Burton. You can imagine how the audience gasped three years later, when the same pair (now husband and wife) made in hysterical Mike Nichols ' drama about an aging couple-intellectuals. This strongly Taylor gained weight, and dressed in a grey wig — and with it, they played a lump in my throat. Perhaps, after this, many are in error, for "Oscar" is enough to make a corporal feat — although it is, of course, in the first place in the talent.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Robert De Niro, raging bull

"Raging bull" was the fourth joint film of Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro — and in some ways marked the end of a Grand era of "New Hollywood" that brought fame to both. Here is one of the best American actors of boxer Jake Lamotte — champion Middleweight, whose bad temper and explosive temper did him no good. For the final scenes of the film, De Niro specially sent to a gastronomic tour in Europe — while the actor was at last, the crew waited patiently. The process took several months, during which De Niro recovered from 66 to 97 pounds and bought a number of health problems. And then — "Oscar".

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Matthew McConaughey, Dallas buyers club

The transformation of Matthew McConaughey from macaroni and swapped the regular romantic Comedy in capable all powerful dramatic actor began a few years ago, but "Dallas buyers club" became her climax. Shortly before the film's release we have seen Matthew in all its glory in "true detective" — but even then the role of an AIDS patient cowboy-homophobic shocked many. Then again, had the "Oscar" of the combination of: a sad story taken from real life a powerful game McConaughey and inevitable for this story, the image of decay of the body (for the role, the actor lost 17 pounds).

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Christian Bale, The Machinist

Christian bale, as we know, no regrets on the set of either himself or others. Most of us learned about it from a paranoid Thriller "the Machinist", where bale plays suffering from insomnia factory worker. The film inevitably evoked comparisons to "Fight club," but there still is that just looks terrible and not the plot, but tired wiry bale with swollen eyes, losing one kilogram by one and completely confused between reality and dream.

Not to learn: a Radical transformation of actors for the role

Dan Stevens in a walk among the graves, Guest

We already wrote about the fact that Dan Stevens suddenly became a "new Gosling" — and, as we had not belonged to this fact, for this he had to lose 14 kilograms. British actor, a favorite of fans of "Downton Abbey" for the role they want chubby Matthew Crawley, moved to Hollywood a couple of years ago and was immediately pleased with us two excellent roles. First, Stevens played a drug dealer with a wounded heart in "a Walk among the tombstones" is a good representative of the genre "Thriller with Liam Neeson". And finally conquered the us in the role of a "good bad guy" in our postmodern favorite Diner. In both films, the actor suddenly flaunts sharply defined chin and cubes, though, hand on heart, the best metamorphosis happened to him in a tongue-in-cheek web series High Maintenance.

Keywords: Actors | Film | Role | Appearance

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