New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year

Categories: Holidays and Festivals | Positive

There are only a few days left — and the chimes will finally strike 12 times, champagne will flow like a river, and all stocks of red caviar will disappear from the refrigerator. But before the winter fun will have to survive a few more working days. We have collected 10 New Year's compositions for you, for which everyone has a reflex of "waiting for the holiday". And even illustrated them with atmospheric New Year's photos.

In order to raise the mood, believe only in the good and work a hundred times easier, before the photo shoot we armed ourselves with the Cowon PLENUE M2 player, which supports many audio formats, including uncompressed FLAC. And under the high-quality sound we went to create New Year's cards.

(12 photos in total)

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year

Bobby Helms — Jingle Bell Rock

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to Jingle Bell Rock — Bobby Helms on Yandex.Music

The song Jingle Bell Rock brought fame to country singer Bobby Helms and is considered the first New Year's hit in the rock style. The composition was created by Americans Joseph Beale and James Booth. The first version was recorded in the studio by Bobby himself and guitarist Hank Garland. Garland never denied that the composition that he and Helms turned out was not much like the version of the composers. By November 2016, the number of legal downloads of the song exceeded 780 thousand.

ABBA — Happy New Year

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to Happy New Year — ABBA on Yandex.Music

A song from the 1980 album Super Trouper. The original version of the title was more hooligan — "Daddy, don't get Drunk on Christmas Day" (Daddy Don't Get Drunk on Christmas Day). The song also has a Spanish version called Felicidad, which was recorded in October 1980.

Frank Sinatra — Let It Snow

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to Let It Snow! Let It Snow! — Frank Sinatra on Yandex.Music

The most famous "winter" song was written on a very hot July day in 1945 by poet Sammy Cahn and composer Jules Stein and over the years of its existence has been performed by a huge number of musicians. At least 20 of her reprints are known. The popularity of the song was also added by the fact that it is her performance that ends two Hollywood action films — "Die Hard" and "Die Hard 2".

Song from the movie "Carnival night" — "5 minutes"

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen for Five minutes — Lyudmila Gurchenko on Yandex.Music

The song was included in the soundtrack of the first Soviet New Year musical "Carnival Night", which was released in 1956. The film was the debut of director Eldar Ryazanov in cinema. The composition has become a truly folk work.

Ryazanov generally considered Lyudmila Gurchenko "too mannered." Only the furious success that the performer of the role of Lenochka Krylova brought to the picture could convince him. Initially, the director imagined that the song would be jazz or chanson. At the first rehearsal, the composer Yuri Saulsky even exclaimed: "Couldn't Lepin have come up with something more original?"

Dean Martin — Silent Night

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to Silent Night — Dean Martin on Yandex.Music

A Christian Christmas hymn created in 1818 by priest Joseph Mohr and organist Franz Gruber. Gruber composed the music for the lyrics in just one day. There are several versions: according to one, the organ in the church deteriorated, and on Christmas Eve it was necessary to perform something, according to another version, Mor wanted a new hymn for his favorite instrument - guitar.

Elvis Presley — Here Comes Santa Claus

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to Here Comes Santa Claus — Elvis Presley on Yandex.Music

The song was recorded for Elvis Presley's third studio album Elvis’ Christmas Album. It was very different from all the traditional Christmas records, in fact, these were the first New Year's songs in the rock and roll style.

Bing Crosby — I Wish You a Merry Christmas

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to I Wish You a Merry Christmas — Bing Crosby on Yandex.Music

Christmas classics — almost everyone knows the motif of this song, it is considered the most popular secular anthem dedicated to winter holidays. The composition has become popular in many countries due to the fact that, in addition to Christmas, it also mentions the New Year.

Alla Pugacheva — "I like that you are not sick with me"

This, of course, is a tribute to the Russian tradition of celebrating the New Year. After 1975, when the romantic comedy "The Irony of Fate" was first shown on Soviet TV screens, the film became traditional for New Year's holidays. And for many, the composition of Alla Pugacheva, which Nadenka allegedly performed in the tape, is strongly associated with the New Year — a sense of celebration and anticipation that, despite all the hardships, everything will end well.

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen, I like that you are not sick with me — Alla Pugacheva on Yandex.Music

The song based on Marina Tsvetaeva's poems appeared after the release of the film "The Irony of Fate". The poetic text has long been a literary charade. The answer was told by the sister of the poetess Anastasia Tsvetaeva in 1980. She explained that this bright and somewhat philosophical poem was dedicated to Marina's second husband, Maurice Mintz.

If, after all, this composition does not make you want to urgently find a mandarin, then the following music from the same movie will definitely cause.

Listen to the Expectation of the holiday — Mikael Leonovich Tariverdiev on Yandex.Music

A song from a Coca-Cola commercial — "A holiday is coming to us"

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to the Holiday coming to us! — Coca-Cola on Yandex.Music

In 1995, Coca-Cola wanted to make a special advertising campaign that would become a symbol of Christmas, like their polar bears or Santa Claus. The creative agency W.B. Doner was commissioned to develop the idea, and its specialists returned with the idea of a New Year's caravan. Then the original composition Holidays are Coming exceeded all expectations and became a real Christmas hit and a symbol of the holiday.

In Russia, the song "Holiday comes to us" was first performed in 1995. Now it is difficult to imagine advertising on TV without it. Especially in the last two weeks before the start of the New Year.

Wham! — Last Christmas

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year


Listen to Last Christmas — Wham! on Yandex.Music

British duo Wham! released the song in 1984. Over the decades, many cover versions have been released on the track. The single sold over a million copies and became the best-selling single in the history of the UK charts, not reaching the first place. In the video for Last Christmas, the songwriters George Michael and his partner Andrew Ridgely are in the company of girls and friends at a ski resort. Andrew's girlfriend used to date George, the song is about their past relationship.

New Year's mood, come: 10 canonical songs about the main holiday of the year

There is a great desire to turn on all these tracks to the fullest in your office and, so to speak, share the New Year mood with the team. But, most likely, no one will appreciate your emotional outburst. And if you use the player, then you need not to lose. Recently, the compact Cowon PLENUE M2 appeared in the line of Hi-Fi players. It is not inferior to previous models in terms of sound reproduction quality. At the same time, the amount of internal memory doubled to 128 GB, and a built-in high-performance amplifier appeared on board. Another feature that highlights the novelty is the ability to fine tune the sound. Such a player is not only pleasant to listen to yourself — it will be a great gift for any audiophile.

Keywords: Music | Mood | New year | Partner post

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