Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Categories: Animals | Positive

There is an opinion that poking pets with their noses into the fruits of their robbery is barbarism and despotism. The cat may have already repented a hundred times and promised himself never to do this again. And you put his nose in a puddle! After this, anyone will hold a grudge. And very soon he will take revenge. Why are cats there, even if chickens - seemingly stupid creatures - suffer from remorse. And they don't even hesitate to confess in writing. And by the way, the handwriting, look how neat.

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Naughty chickens who have the courage to confess their sins

Keywords: Sins | Pets | Confession | Chickens | Humor

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