Naked and funny: how people change when they undress

Naked and funny: how people change when they undress

Categories: Photo project

At first glance, it may seem to you that Canadian photographer Dylan Hamm just took and took two pictures of randomly selected people. However, in fact, there is a special logic in how these portraits are made: in one of the pictures, the person was completely naked.

Naked and funny: how people change when they undress

Naked and funny: how people change when they undress

To create a photo project "Naked Faces" (Naked Faces) Dylan was inspired by a question he had been asking for many years. "How aware are we of the expression that our face takes on at some particular moment?" he asked himself. With the help of many portraits, he sought to show that people's faces speak about much more than they themselves think.

Naked and funny: how people change when they undress

Although the pictures do not show the naked bodies of the heroes of the photo project, you can notice the difference between the facial expressions on the first and second photos. The degree of change varies: some barely raise an eyebrow, while on the faces of others a malicious grin appears.

Naked and funny: how people change when they undress

However, the project did not bring Dylan any closer to answering his question, on the contrary, it prompted him to think about an even wider range of things. "The project has turned into a kind of investigation, which is still ongoing. He led us to think about the subconscious, gender stereotypes and how we change imperceptibly for ourselves, but noticeably for others," said Dylan Hamm.

Naked and funny: how people change when they undress

Keywords: Instagram | Vancouver | Naked | Canada | Faces | Psychology | Consciousness | Social network | Shame | Photographer

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