Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

Categories: Animals | Nature | Photo project | World

More recently, the World Wildlife Fund published statistics that say that wild animals have decreased by 52% since 1970. We offer you a selection of animals that have experienced the impact of man on nature.


Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

1. The biggest decline in the population of wild animals is seen in the tropics - the number of animals there has decreased by 62%. The most serious decline in the number of animals was noted in America (Central and South) and it is 83%.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

2. African lion. The number of remaining individuals: 30-35 thousand.

The sharply reduced population of these noble animals is due to the conflict between the locals and the lions that invaded their territory. It is sad to realize, but in 40 years the number of these individuals has decreased by 90%.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

3. Forest elephant. The number of remaining individuals: is about 600 thousand.

The number of these elephants has declined mainly due to the active activity of poachers who kill animals for ivory. Due to human encroachment on animal habitats, the number of forest elephants decreased by more than 60% between 2002 and 2011. Currently, only 7% of elephants live in their habitat.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

4. Bengal tiger. The number of individuals left: was about 3200.

All sorts of fighters for the preservation of nature around the world have long been trumpeting about the sharply fallen numbers of these extraordinary tigers. Such a sharp decline is due to human encroachment on their territory, poaching, and destruction of their habitat. As of 2019, there are only 2,500,000 Yuengal tigers left.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

5. Dolphins.

Recently, there has been a decline in the number of these representatives of the marine animal world. Often it is not due to deliberate poaching (although such cases are not rare), but due to the fault of fishing nets, in which dolphins often fall, as well as ship propellers.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

6. Black and white rhinos.

These animals are constantly driven out of this world by human poaching and banal greed. The number of rhinoceros decreased sharply between 1980 and 2006, just as the demand for their horns was growing.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

7. Leatherback turtle.

Modern sea turtles are rapidly dying, falling into fishing nets due to widespread industrial fishing in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the construction of beaches in their habitat. The number of these turtles has fallen by as much as 95% compared to 1989!

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

8. Seal.

These animals often die from natural epidemics and viruses, however, the human hand also has a place to be in the causes of the extinction of this species. Farmers and fishermen often literally exterminate seals to protect their salmon farms. After all, as you know, seals are not averse to eating red fish, for which you have to pay with your own life ...

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

9. Hippopotamus.

The main threat that caused the extinction of these animals was hunting. The number of hippos dropped from 29,000 in 1970 to 1,515 in 2003.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

10. Steppe viper.

Over the past decades, the number of these living creatures has been drastically reduced by almost half! The reason for this is assumed to be a decrease in the natural habitat and the number of prey.

Man, stop! Animals that have halved in 40 years

11. Wandering albatross.

The population of these animals, as well as steppe vipers, decreased by 50% between 1972 and 2010. The reason is the same - sparing fishing nets of greedy poachers.

Keywords: Animals | Wild animals | Wild nature | Nature | Wildlife | Statistics | Tropics | World | Planet | Nature photography

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