Lifehacking: 22 little tricks to make caring for your clothes easier
Categories: Fashion | Life hacks | World
By Pictolic continue to share little secrets and home tricks. Today we have on the agenda - life hacks that make it easier to care for clothes.
1. To rid jeans of an unpleasant smell, put them in the freezer overnight.
2. To prevent angora wool from shedding, put the item in a plastic bag and leave it for at least three hours in the freezer. With mohair products, you can do the same.
3. If you have a greasy stain on your clothes, apply baby powder on it and leave it overnight.
4. It is best to wash sneakers with a mixture of soda and washing powder with a toothbrush.
5. To quickly hang up the T-shirts, put them on your arm through the neck and then thread the hangers into them one by one
6. Wait five minutes before putting on a freshly ironed item, otherwise it will instantly wrinkle again.
7. In order to prevent arrows from crawling over the tights, it is enough to sprinkle them with hairspray.
8. And so that the already formed arrow / hole does not spread further, treat the edges with nail polish.
9. Use stale bread crumbs to remove dirt from suede. Gently rub them on contaminated areas.
10. If the shoes are tight, put a bottle of water in each and leave overnight in the freezer.
11. Or put your shoes on socks and put them under the hair dryer for a few minutes.
12. To prevent dark jeans from fading, add a little vinegar to the water at the end of the wash (about half a glass).
13. A mixture of vinegar and cold water can easily remove water stains on the skin.
14. Patent leather can be cleaned with glass cleaner. It will not only hide minor defects, but also restore its former shine.
15. Red wine stains on clothing can be removed with white wine or soda.
16. To avoid sweat stains on a T-shirt, spray it with lemon juice before washing. This is especially true for gray T-shirts, which tend to change color faster in places where sweat gets in.
17. A collar stained with cosmetics (in particular, foundation) can be easily washed off with shaving cream.
18. If you don't have time to hem your clothes, use a glue gun as a quick way out.
19. For a softer leather jacket, wet it. Or wear it in the rain.
20. To thread the drawstring back into the hood of your sweatshirt, thread it through a cocktail straw first.
21. Or attach a pin to the end that is easy to push through the fabric.
22. To find the right size jeans without trying them on, wrap their waistline around your neck.
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