Life with a goose or the everyday life of a Minsk blogger

Life with a goose or the everyday life of a Minsk blogger

Categories: Animals

Keep a five-meter python or a flying fox at home and die of boredom? Then you will not understand a Minsk resident who has a goose in a one-room apartment of a high-rise building and is filming a web series about friendship with a proud bird.

Life with a goose or the everyday life of a Minsk blogger

Andrey Gurin got the idea to keep domestic animals after his friend told him a story about a Soviet circus performer who kept a goose at home, walked with him like a dog and even took him on tour. So, to the joy of the neighbors, a goose named Harvister appeared in the Minsk "odnushka".

A Minsk resident did not just buy a bird at the market – he "hatched" a friend for himself by purchasing an egg and placing it in a home incubator. "The Birth of a Goose" is the name of the first video that appeared on Andrey's YouTube account.

Posted by Gusin Harvister (@gusin.gus) on Sep 2, 2018 at 4:40 PDT

When asked what made him choose such an exotic pet, poultry farmer Gurin answers that he is interested in the problems of human and bird coexistence in the same living space and ways to solve them.

Life with a goose or the everyday life of a Minsk blogger

Life with a goose or the everyday life of a Minsk blogger

Keywords: Blog | Geese | Pets | Minsk | Birds

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