Life is full of surprises! 22 unexpected finds that caused a lot of emotions
By Pictolic never know when you will find a real treasure: on excavations somewhere in the historical area or during a routine renovation at home…
There are whole communities of people on the Internet who are able to notice such small treasures. They share their findings, which were unexpected and left them completely delighted.
The guy found 73 frisbees in the pond while looking for his plate
"Discovered fossilized remains of an ancient fern in North Dakota"
"I noticed a miniature phone booth on my face"
A silver pendant found in the garden, which is more than 200 years old
"A giant tree frog came to visit me"
The perfect salt crystal in a package with sea salt
"I saw a six-headed narcissus in a flower bed today"
"I found today the medals of my great-great-grandfather, which he received during the First World War"
A perfectly round stone that looks like a small moon
"My aunt has a cat whose fur clearly shows the word "NO""
"In a stack of coins from the bank came a one-penny, which is 129 years old"
"I was disassembling the basement and found a World War II grenade. I had to call the sappers"
"We ordered oysters at a takeaway restaurant and found a pearl in one of them"
"I found a collection of antique objects in a mouse nest when I dismantled the wall of my house"
"Found a humpback whale's jaw on a beach in New England"
"I found a marriage certificate of 1841 in my attic in an old house"
"I found the stone in which the shell was hidden"
"I found a wolf lying in the forest. Even the outlines of the ribs are visible"
"During a hike in France, I found a piece of history – a nail from a horse shoe from the times of Ancient Rome"
A dandelion that grew in the dark. The spiral stem indicates a plant trying to find light
"We bought an old stove and found a 1954 newspaper in it"
"I found a Soviet bottle of Pepsi-Cola!"
Keywords: Photo collection | World | Positive | Selection | Find | Interesting | Surprise | Finds
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