Kitten miraculously survived after an hour of washing in a typewriter

Kitten miraculously survived after an hour of washing in a typewriter

Categories: Animals

The lucky seven-week named Poppet survived an hour of washing in the washing machine at 50 degrees. The owner of the cat, having opened the door, almost fainted from what she saw.

A mischievous kitten jumped into the washing machine while its owner, 27-year-old Laura Gilholm, was sorting dirty clothes and throwing them into the drum. “I managed to half load the typewriter when Poppet hid in a pile of laundry and hid. Then I, unaware that she settled there, began to throw other clothes on top of her, ”said Laura.

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Kitten miraculously survived after an hour of washing in a typewriter


Kitten miraculously survived after an hour of washing in a typewriter

1. “I only realized what happened when I opened the washing machine door after washing and was horrified. Poppet lay unconscious inside. I almost collapsed into a faint, but gathered my strength and called for help from a neighbor. He tried to save her and even performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to get air into her lungs. But nothing helped, and we rushed as fast as we could to the veterinary clinic. She was practically lifeless, I thought we had lost her forever,” says the young woman.

Kitten miraculously survived after an hour of washing in a typewriter

2. Veterinarian John Gunn managed to bring the kitten back to life. The lucky black cat returned home to Odenshaw, Manchester with Laura and her six-year-old daughter Meghan. But it looks like Poppet herself never learned her lesson. “The first thing that naughty girl did was jump right into the dryer. Now it has become her usual habit. It's good that we already know about it. We will keep an eye on her so that history does not repeat itself, ”said Laura Gilholm.

Kitten miraculously survived after an hour of washing in a typewriter

3. Veterinarian John Gunn noted that "the cat is incredibly lucky." “I confess, I did not think that I would be able to resurrect her. She looked absolutely hopeless. Poppet definitely used one of her nine lives to ride in the washing machine. This should serve as a lesson not so much to the kitten itself, but to the owners. And not only to Laura and Megan, but to all pet owners. You need to watch them especially closely while they are, as I say jokingly, in childhood. Here you definitely need an eye and an eye, otherwise you can just lose your pet out of stupidity and carelessness, ”summed up the veterinarian.

Keywords: Cats | Rescue | Washing machine

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