“It’s better for you not to know!”: 13 things a man will never tell a woman about
Categories: Life hacks | Society | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/its-better-for-you-not-to-know-13-things-a-man-will-never-tell-a-woman-about.htmlIt is generally accepted that every woman should have a mystery. But what about men? These strong, brutal, self-confident guys are sometimes very vulnerable and hide secrets that many ladies do not even know about.
What 13 things men will never tell even close people, read in our material.
Be sure that you will never hear these words from a man. After all, in your eyes, he wants to look like a superman himself - self-confident, dashing and brave. Such men do not know the word "fear". And if his pulse suddenly quickened, sweating appeared, or his hands began to tremble nervously, then this is all, for sure, from fatigue, pressure, or a thousand other reasons, but not from fear.
"Darling, maybe let's call the master?". Remember these words and never, hear, never say them to your beloved. After all, he knows and knows everything himself, you just need to “figure it out a little”, get on the Internet, look at the instructions (although this is rare) and just try again.
And this applies to absolutely everything from broken shelves to plumbing and electricity.
Usually this rule works during the candy-bouquet period, when a man tries his best to impress his lady with trips to expensive restaurants and all kinds of gifts. Of course, in marriage, you can already tell your wife that the family budget is “not enough” to buy anything. But even a man will take such a step only as a last resort, because saying “I can’t afford it” is tantamount to admitting his weakness.
Men are not accustomed to openly show their feelings. And this applies to everything, especially jealousy. By the way, many women are often offended by this, because they think that they are indifferent to their partner. This is not true: even if he looks calm and cold on the outside, be sure that every time you talk to another man, a real volcano of emotions is raging inside him.
Historically, compliments have mostly been given by men to women, but clearly not vice versa. And it’s a pity, because the representatives of the stronger sex, no matter how surprising it may sound, also melt from warm words addressed to them, declarations of love and manifestations of care.
If you’re watching an incredibly sad movie together that makes you want to cry into your pillow at the end, and your spouse is calm as a rock, don’t worry: he’s not an insensitive chump – he just knows how to mask emotions. Well, if the film is already very sad, it can skip one mean tear and say that "something got into the eye."
Clean shoes, neat nails, a stylish hairstyle - all this indicates that a man takes care of his appearance. And this is commendable, because well-groomed men always attract women. But a man will never be able to confess his love for various, as it is commonly believed, “female things”, like a moisturizer and a visit to a beauty salon - “the boys won’t understand!”.
“What do you think about this dress?”, “It seems to me, or have I gained weight?”, “How do you like my new hairstyle?”. It is quite difficult for a man to answer these and similar questions, because he is used to chopping the truth, but in some cases, excessive straightforwardness can be traumatic.
Therefore, if you do not want to get upset yourself and embarrass your partner, it is better to avoid tricky questions.
Tricky questions regarding the appearance of your girlfriends, familiar girls, just random passers-by are under a special ban. A man will never admit that your sister is pretty, even if he is confronted by a supermodel with a fourth breast size or a sexy long-legged blonde who resembles a Scandinavian goddess.
Movies in which men leave slender beauties, as they fall in love with charismatic fat women, are partly true. Representatives of the stronger sex value self-confidence very much and are more likely to give preference to a positive and sociable lady with magnificent forms than a timid and notorious thin woman.
It doesn’t matter to a man whether you wear branded items, follow trends and use expensive cosmetics. It is enough to look neat and attractive to impress your chosen one.
Remember, women love with their ears and men love with their eyes. Therefore, appearance plays a huge role.
Women on a date feel like they are in charge of the situation. It seems to them that it is they who decide whether a second meeting will take place, and a positive answer depends on whether the man can make the right impression.
That's just men, too, "look narrowly" at their companions. Do not be too surprised if the next day he does not call you and do not rush to “try on” his last name after a pleasant end to the evening.
Some women believe that men can stop communicating "just like that" because they want to. In fact, such an outcome of events is impossible - if a man decided to leave you, then there were certain reasons for that.
Which? This is a completely different question. It is quite possible that you were on the list of women with whom you cannot build relationships or showed one of the alarm signals on the first date, after which guys can only run away!
Men, did you recognize yourself in the article?
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