"It stank so much that passengers fainted": pilot landed the plane because of the smell

"It stank so much that passengers fainted": pilot landed the plane because of the smell

Categories: World

It seems that Transavia Airlines is cursed by foul-smelling people. In February 2018, a plane flying from Dubai to Amsterdam had to be grounded due to a "gas attack" by one of the passengers. Now a similar situation has occurred on a flight from the Netherlands to Spain.

"It stank so much that passengers fainted": pilot landed the plane because of the smell Source: Mirror

"It stank so much that passengers fainted": pilot landed the plane because of the smell

Transavia Airlines Boeing, flying from the Netherlands to Spain, made an emergency landing in Portugal. The pilot came to this decision because of passenger complaints.

Because of the unbearable smell from one of the passengers, people sitting not far from him began to faint, some were sick.

"It stank so much that passengers fainted": pilot landed the plane because of the smell

Transavia employees tried to isolate the "source of the stench" in the toilet, but this did not help either. The plane had to be urgently landed in Portugal, and the foul-smelling man was taken out of the cabin.

"It stank so much that passengers fainted": pilot landed the plane because of the smell

Representatives of Transavia confirmed that the airliner was grounded for "medical reasons". It is not yet known whether the culprit will be charged.

Keywords: Smell | Passengers | Boarding | Plane

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