In California, marijuana tampons have been produced to ease menstrual pain

In California, marijuana tampons have been produced to ease menstrual pain

Categories: Health and Medicine

Many women are familiar with PMS: melancholy, mood swings and poor health. Some menstrual pains seriously spoil their lives, and the manufacturer of marijuana products Foria has figured out how to solve this problem. A California company has used the powerful analgesic properties of marijuana in herbal tampons.

In California, marijuana tampons have been produced to ease menstrual pain Source: Addiction Recovery Buddy

Foria Relief should be used together with other hygiene products, as they are not designed to absorb blood. Suppositories are injected in the same way as real tampons — thanks to this, they act just where they need to.

In California, marijuana tampons have been produced to ease menstrual pain

According to the company, suppositories cause numbness of nerve endings in the uterus, cervix and ovaries. The blogger who tested the product claims that it takes about 20 minutes to relieve pain.

In California, marijuana tampons have been produced to ease menstrual pain

Marijuana tampons are made from natural ingredients: cocoa butter, hashish oil and an isolate enriched with cannabidiol - according to the manufacturer, it reduces inflammation. A pack of four pieces costs $44.

In California, marijuana tampons have been produced to ease menstrual pain

More and more states are legalizing recreational and medical use of marijuana, so perhaps the business idea of using it for pain relief purposes makes sense.

Keywords: Pain | Women | Marijuana

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