Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

At pearl Harbor the Japanese taught the U.S. military a serious lesson that forced them to reconsider their attitude to disguise military facilities. But an aircraft factory, whose area of several thousand square meters, it is not the team's dugout and to hide it, you need to break down. To solve the problem helped the Walt Disney Studio that created the project non-existent "flat" cities.

Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

An excellent example of camouflage was an aircraft factory in Seattle. Artists of the Studio "Disney" has done extensive work, making hundreds of sketches and drawings that were in an atmosphere of secrecy implemented by builders.

Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

The Americans had something to hide from the enemy

On the roofs of the shops there were streets with houses, trees and cars, road signs, fences and even people. Close proximity to all that looked stupid and inexpressive — houses and cars were almost flat, the vegetation is fake and rough, and the actors, representing the citizens — are few and unconvincing.

Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

It looked like fake cars and houses near

But looked completely different a town on the roof of the cab combat aircraft. The American pilots who were in the know about new stratagem amazed at how the great military enterprise in a matter of days disappeared from the face of the earth.

Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

Hard to believe that this plant can be hidden from air reconnaissance of the enemy

Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

After completion of the pilots flying over the object seen here is a charming town

The city's carefully drawn by disney artists, it is not useful to the Americans, the Japanese pilots did not penetrate inland. After some time, futile designs, require costly maintenance, disassembled, but left many archival photos.

Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

The guys that create the scenery, want a standing ovation

Illusion from Disney, or How to turn a military factory in the provincial town

Carefree inhabitants of N city, off the map

Even now, looking at aerial footage, it's hard to believe that under the cottages, gardens and roads hides a powerful military company with more than 30 thousand employees.

Even harder to accept the illusion, when you look closely at ugly low carton depicting the vehicles and primitive models of houses. Indeed, Walt Disney was able to find great professionals!

Keywords: The Americans | Base | Military base | Military | Camouflage | Secret objects

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