I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

Categories: Art | Design and Architecture | People | Photo project | Society | World

My photographic journey began at age nine when I was given my first camera. This early start blossomed into a passion that followed me through my family's emigration to Italy, where I honed my skills and completed my studies as a graphic designer.

For the past decade, London has been my home, a city where I've had the privilege of collaborating with numerous institutions, capturing the essence of events like London Fashion Week, operas, and sports. My creativity and unique perspective have allowed me to stand out in the vibrant photography community here.

More info: Instagram | tiktok.com


I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

1. I am Alexandru Radu Popescu, a London-based photographer originally from Romania

My latest endeavor, “Beyond Limits,” represents the evolution of a project I started four years ago, initially named “UNIC”

I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

2. The project involves photographing human irises using a specially developed prototype lens

These images I pair with half of the sitter’s portrait, creating unique visual portraits that have become my signature pieces, gaining me recognition globally.

I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

3. My project “UNIC” is exhibited in London

I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete


I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete


I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete


I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

7. “Beyond Limits” is being produced to coincide with the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris

I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

8. World champion athletes from Team GB who are taking part in the games agreed to sit for me dressed in their competition attire and in a studio setting that mimics their training environment. These I will couple with closeup shots of their irises to catch a glimpse of what it takes to be an elite athlete.

I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete


I Took Closeup Shots Of The Paralympic GB Team’s Irises To Share What It Takes To Be An Elite Athlete

10. Their stories are not just about athletic prowess but also about overcoming obstacles and defying expectations. “Beyond Limits” is not just a photographic project; it is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of athletes who inspire us to dream and achieve beyond our perceived limits.

Keywords: Photographic journey | Art | Photo art | Artworks | Eye photos | Graphic design | Art passion

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