"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

Categories: Fashion

Model Duckie Thot is 21 years old, she is originally from South Sudan, and grew up in Australia. The girl has such smooth dark skin, a slim figure with unusual proportions and silky hair that in some pictures it is difficult to distinguish her from a Barbie doll. Recently, she said that after participating in a modeling contest, she faced harsh criticism and insults.

(15 photos in total)

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan Source: Bored Panda

A post by Duckie Thot (@duckieofficial) Jul 6, 2017 at 12:41 PM PDT

A post by Duckie Thot (@duckieofficial)

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

Later, the girl said that on Twitter she was constantly criticized for her natural appearance: hair, skin color and weight. Former model contestant Winnie Harlow even compared the girl's head to a cauliflower.

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

In 2016 , in an emotional interview with Teen Vogue magazine , Toth confessed: "I received quite a lot of blows for a 17-year-old girl, and it was difficult for me to understand why."

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

Then she found a mentor in Top Model judge Charlotte Dawson, who was also bullied on social networks. In 2014, Dawson committed suicide, but her advice supports Him to this day. "After the show ended, that was my driving force."

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

She disappeared from the public field for two years, and now she has returned again, moved from Australia to New York and continued her modeling career.

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

In an interview , Toth also said: "Absolutely everyone influenced me. When I started listening to my own voice, everything fell into place. People will always say bad things about you, but their opinion does not define your personality."

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

Ducky Toth has 300 thousand followers on Instagram. When subscribers suggested that the girl release a personalized doll, she supported this idea and even wrote a corresponding tweet mentioning the Barbie brand.

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

"I don't believe she's real": A Barbie girl from South Sudan

Keywords: African americans | Barbies | Girls | Dolls | Models | New york

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