How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

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A year ago, in his speech at the Union of Oxford University, the legendary Stephen Hawking said that humanity can survive only for another 1000 years. We have compiled the most exciting forecasts for the new millennium.


How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

1. People will live for 1000 years.

Millionaires are already investing millions of dollars in research to slow down or stop aging completely. In 1000 years, medical engineers can develop remedies for each component that causes tissue to age. Gene editing tools are already here, which can potentially control our genes and make people immune to diseases.

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

2. People will move to another planet.

After 1000 years, the only way for humanity to survive may be to create new settlements in space. SpaceX has a mission "to allow people to become a space civilization". The founder of the company, Elon Musk, hopes for the first launch of his spaceship by 2022, which will go to Mars.

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

3. We will all look the same.

In his speculative thought experiment, Dr. Kwan hypothesized that in the distant future (100,000 years from now), people will develop larger foreheads, larger nostrils, larger eyes, and more pigmented skin. Scientists are already working on ways to edit genomes so that parents can choose how their children will look.

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

4. There will be super-fast intellectual computers.

In 2014, the supercomputer performed the most accurate modeling of the human brain to date. After 1000 years, computers will predict coincidences and overtake the computing speed of the human brain.

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

5. People will become cyborgs.

Machines already can improve human hearing and vision. Scientists and engineers are developing bionic eyes to help blind people see. In 1000 years, merging with technology may become the only way for humanity to compete with artificial intelligence.

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

6. Mass extinction.

The last mass extinction wiped out the dinosaurs. A recent study showed that the rate of extinction for species in the 20th century was up to 100 times higher than it would normally be without human influence. According to some scientists, only a gradual reduction in population can help preserve civilization.

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

7. We will all speak in one and the same global language.

The main factor that will most likely lead to a universal language is the arrangement of languages. Linguists predict that in 100 years, 90% of languages will disappear due to migration, and the rest will become simplified.

How will Earth look like in 1000 years?

8. Nanotechnology solves energy crises and pollution.

After 1000 years, nanotechnology will be able to eliminate environmental damage, clean water, and air, and use solar energy.

Keywords: Earth | Oxford University | Science | Scientists | People | Future | Life | New millennium | Humanity | Stephen Hawking

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