How to take pictures with monuments

British Liana lang in the Internet because of their extraordinary approach to photography. How to act near famous monuments with a good dose of humor and creativity? The answer to this question you will find in this release.

British designer Liana lang specializiruetsya surreal photography, playing with the hobby and bringing a new meaning. Her photo project "Monumental error" is complicity with Soviet monuments in former socialist countries. Acting on the background of the heroes of yore, the girl defies stereotypical thinking.

How to take pictures with monuments

How to take pictures with monuments

All photo taken at Budapest Park of monumental sculptures.

How to take pictures with monuments

In the work on the story girl shows imagination, not afraid to freeze at high altitude, holding the hand of the statues, or to climb the slippery bronze figures. Creative interfering with the composition of the monument, it gives him a new perspective.

How to take pictures with monuments

In one photo she almost crushed by the boots of the giant, on the other she pressed into the wall, afraid of being shot down by a crowd of athletes, so she hid in the feet of the giant, and here we see her in the ranks of soldiers.

How to take pictures with monuments

Thus Liana, combining scenes of political satire with witty moments of reverie, tried to convey the change of one other mode, the revaluation of values of the modern world, a shift of orientation in mind.

How to take pictures with monuments

How to take pictures with monuments

How to take pictures with monuments

How to take pictures with monuments

How to take pictures with monuments

How to take pictures with monuments

How to take pictures with monuments

Keywords: Positive | Monuments | Creative | Project

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