How to regain the trust of a cat or dog if you have offended them

Animals, as well as people, can be offended. Only unlike a person, words mean nothing to them and they will not accept your "sorry". Robert Shechtman from the Society for the Protection of animals BW Tierschutzvereine told how to return the location of a cat or dog.

How to regain the trust of a cat or dog if you have offended them

Scientists have found that animal resentment is seriously different from human resentment. For a cat or dog, this emotion is associated with fear, pain, or demotion in the hierarchy. The memory of animals is very good and they can take offense for a long time. The mechanism of such a feeling is simple for them — it is the desire to avoid the offender or point out to him the injustice. Well, full forgiveness must be earned and it is not easy to do this, but it is quite possible.

How to regain the trust of a cat or dog if you have offended them

Many people believe that cats are better than dogs, but this is a controversial issue. Cats are more vindictive than dogs and are not always ready to take the first step towards reconciliation. Therefore, the initiative should come from you. In order for the bad to be forgotten and harmony in the relationship to arise again, you need to do the following:

How to regain the trust of a cat or dog if you have offended them

Dogs are much more dependent on human communication than cats. Therefore, the animal, even if you strongly scolded or insulted him with an action, is the first to try to start communication. Despite this, it is better to take measures for reconciliation so that there is no unpleasant residue. It is necessary to behave with an offended dog like this:

How to regain the trust of a cat or dog if you have offended them

And, of course, do not forget about kindness and affection. If you are angry at your pet for something, then it's not about him, but about you. Therefore, start to atone for your guilt as soon as possible — your four-legged friend will certainly forgive you.

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