How to pump femininity and become more attractive to men
Categories: Beauty | Lifestyle | People | Psychology | Relationship | Society | World
PictolicPsychological tips to help you feel special.
The image of a modern woman has changed in recent times. In addition to the main criteria - to be an ideal mother, a good housewife, support and support for others - new heights have appeared that must be achieved. Women are considered successful and fulfilled if they have made leaps in their careers, were able to take leadership positions, and are able to provide for themselves.
Willpower, the ability not to show emotions is also valued. Meanwhile, the constant pursuit of ideals is pretty exhausting and morally exhausting. Because, along with women's duties, additional tasks are added, sometimes not characteristic of them.
The modern girl is a source of energy for the world around her. Her smile alone can make the day brighter than the beaches of Sochi in the middle of summer. But not everyone can create such a source. In addition, the frantic rhythm takes away all the energy without a trace, leaving you alone with the negative.
1. It is generally accepted that femininity is about a beautiful dress and heels. Of course, traditional perception leads us to appearance, but the concept is more complicated than it seems at first glance. Rather, it is about the energy that others are able to perceive and adopt. Femininity is reflected in appearance, gestures, facial expressions, and speech, but primarily in the expression of thoughts. Women are softer and more tender, and their priority is caring for their neighbors.
How to reveal your femininity? It is not enough just to go to a beauty salon - everything is more difficult. Respect your feelings and emotions, and develop them, but do not forget about the body.
2. Develop sensuality
Put aside practicality, and start developing sensuality. You can do this even through everyday things: delicious food, favorite smells, touches, or sounds. Prepare a meal you never had time for, and buy your favorite flowers.
3. Take care of yourself
External aesthetics is important for a woman. It brings joy and an incredible boost of energy. We combine business with pleasure! Sign up for yoga or massage, dancing, or fitness. Pass the beauty through the body. So you will become more attractive not only internally, but also externally.
3. Let yourself be elegant
Refinement is an important part of feminine energy. Remain graceful and noble not only in front of the public but also when no one is around. Pay attention to the purity of your speech and thoughts: no parasitic words or destructive emotions.
4. Look for positive emotions
Use the practice: "The world loves me!". Label positive events with this phrase. Even small things come into play. Did you get a smile on the street? Say, "The world loves me." Did the quality of the manicure exceed expectations? And again the phrase: "The world loves me."
When you open up to the world, you will receive the same in return. The world around you welcomes you. But in order to understand how to manage your energy, you need to try a little and remember to replenish the resource. Try, transform, shine!
Keywords: Psychological tips | People | Femininity | Relationships | Pumping femininity | Attractivity | Elegance | Women
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