I invite you to see how fast food is made in a well-known network…
(25 photos in total)
Source: Source: Livejournal/kak-eto-sdelano
2. When entering the kitchen, the first thing to do is to wash your hands! EVERYONE! Hand washing is a separate serious and complex procedure. It lasts at least a minute, the water in a special sink is turned on by pressing the knee, and then it is necessary to disinfect the hands with a special tool…
3. Now to the backyard, take the products! The signature dish of this chain is chicken. Restaurants cook only fresh poultry, not frozen. Deliveries – every day! There are many suppliers. There are even more people who want to become suppliers. But the company's requirements for the supplied products are high and not everyone can meet them.
4. The chicken is delivered chilled. According to the rules, one should be stored at a certain temperature. When accepting products in a restaurant, this temperature is measured by a special device – a probe.
To avoid possible errors and inaccuracies, the device is calibrated with ice before each temperature measurement procedure.
5. All people participating in the acceptance of the goods must sign the statement!
6. The "warehouses" where all this is then stored are quite small… Chicken is stored separately from vegetables and sauces!
7. There are frozen foods in a small freezer. These include potatoes, hash browns and buns. The first ones are sent to the oil immediately from the chamber ... the buns are gradually thawed on special racks.
8. Now we go to the kitchen proper. The room is very small – a narrow, long corridor where a couple of people can barely disperse. Extra space – extra time! And here every step counts ... after all, "fast service".
9. In a separate room, chicken is breaded on two tables!
10. On one table - sharp, on the other – ordinary…
11. Two young boys are busy with this, bearing the proud title of "breading instructor". This is a certain technology, anyway… Put so much, turn so many times, shake so much, etc.
12. Breading is flour with a set of secret spices! Among these secret spices is the egg. Oops…
13. Further along the conveyor, the chicken is sent to the fryer!
14. The oil is changed regularly. The quality is monitored by certain test strips.
15. The technique, of course, is absolutely cosmic. And despite this, a lot is still done manually!
16. Next are the sandwich stations.
17. They are a work surface with convenient containers for storing ingredients located around it.
18. Aerobatics – collecting a sandwich in four hands! Well, that is, when these hands not only do not interfere with each other, but also really speed up the process! It made an indelible impression on me.
19. The finished chicken is stored nearby, in special cabinets.
20. From there it is taken directly to the station. Fried pieces have a strictly limited shelf life. It is displayed here, on a special scoreboard. Each shelf has a separate indicator. New batches of ready-made chicken are never mixed with the previous ones.
21. Potatoes and hash browns are fried nearby.
22. In the staff rest room (at the end of the kitchen hall), a small board is simply hung with strange cards ... "your words do not differ from the case"! This is a team-building program in which everyone can write a similar card to another… In it, he can say words of gratitude or support ... or he can give some advice! It sounds strange, but the employees seem to like this story. They are proud of such cards, collect them, brag about who has more…
23. Corporate culture, the desire for professional growth, the desire to make a career within the network – all this is very much appreciated in the company.
24. That's it, our tour has come to an end. Let's go to the exit!
25. And the restaurant, meanwhile, is working normally!
Thanks for attention. I hope you were interested.
Keywords: Food | Restaurant | Fast food
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