How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

Statistics convince us that air transport is the safest of all existing ones. Nevertheless, it is well known that once a year the stick shoots, so it is better to be prepared for any surprises. Is it possible to survive during a plane crash? There can be no answer to this question, because there are too many factors involved in this situation. But there are a number of rules that can significantly increase the chance of staying alive, if there is one.

How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

And the chance of survival for passengers of modern airliners is really quite good. Statistics collected by experts from the United States for the period from 1983 to 2000, says that the survival rate in plane crashes is 95.7 percent. Moreover, even in serious accidents, accompanied by the destruction of the liner and fire, 76.6 percent of passengers survived.

How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

In addition, experts in the field of aviation safety claim that 40 percent of deaths could have been prevented. You just need to follow simple, but very effective rules. If you seriously decided to get into those 95 percent of survivors, then you need to know and comply with them.

Experts of the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) say that a passenger who has been in a plane crash has only 90 seconds to get out of the liner. According to statistics, most people in such accidents do not die from a blow, but from a fire that broke out after it. Alas, most of the survivors of the fall consider themselves saved and do not take any active action.

How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

Surveys have shown that airliner passengers have a vague idea of the speed of the spread of fire. Most people generally believe that in case of fire they have up to 30 minutes of time to leave the plane. In fact, the count goes by seconds. The aluminum fuselage of a modern airliner can withstand no more than 90 seconds, after which the fire breaks into the cabin and absorbs everything inside.

An analysis of the data of 2,500 people who survived plane crashes of different years made it possible to create a "portrait of the lucky one". Young, slim and physically strong men have more chances to survive than older and overweight men. During the rescue, you need to move quickly through narrow passages barricaded with debris, luggage, and sometimes bodies.

How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

There is a high probability that you will even have to sort out the rubble to get to the emergency exit. The exit itself is quite narrow, in some cases only 50 cm, so it will be very difficult for a full person to slip into it. A fat man stuck in the aisle or in the exit doorway risks dying himself and ruining other passengers.

If you have a choice, try to buy a ticket for a large airliner. Studies conducted by the FAA have shown that such aircraft absorb impact energy better. Therefore, the passengers inside take on less load when they collide with another object or the ground.

How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

It is worth avoiding flights by regional carriers. According to statistics, they have 2 times more chances of a plane crash than national companies. This is due to both the outdated fleet of aircraft and the low qualification of pilots. And regional airlines often overload the crews and do not give the pilots a proper rest.

Experts involved in the investigation of air accidents do not advise blindly relying on statistics. The fact is that every catastrophe is unique and it is not easy to predict something. What most accidents have in common is that the impact, most often, falls on the nose of the liner. It is quite logical that the seats in the tail of the aircraft are considered the safest because of this.

How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

But the seats in the back still do not guarantee salvation. It is much more expedient to be near the emergency exit — this will allow you to use it among the first. Studies say that survivors usually sit within a radius of five rows of seats from the exits. The further away, the lower the chance of getting out and staying alive.

Studies of plane crashes have shown that 80 percent of all serious accidents with aircraft occurred in the first 3 minutes after takeoff and in the last 8 minutes before landing. This feature is called the "Plus 3/minus 8" rule. The rest of the time, the probability of problems is greatly reduced. To increase the chance of staying alive, you need to remain vigilant immediately after takeoff and before landing.

How to increase the chance of survival in a plane crash

There are many other tips that seem trivial only to those who have not been in extreme situations. Experts advise to abstain from sleep and alcohol. You also need to check if the shoes are well laced. If you are a woman, then do not wear high-heeled shoes on the flight. It is better to choose ballet flats with comfortable flat soles. Pay attention to whether the seat belt is properly fastened.

And it is also important to have a plan of action. No, we are not encouraging anyone to be paranoid. But at least you need to have a good idea of how the cabin of the liner is arranged and where the usual and emergency exits are located. Well, if you are terrified of flying, then you need to learn 13 inspiring facts about passenger liners.

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