How to eat in the heat: 5 important rules for everyone
Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine
PictolicOften we do not even think about what and how to eat in the heat, without loading the body. Let's analyze a few important rules of proper nutrition and find out which products, dishes and drinks will help you to easily transfer the summer heat.
In the heat, our body intensively loses fluid. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish its reserves in time. Drinks will help us with this. It is best to quench your thirst with ordinary water or unsweetened green tea — in extreme heat, it is recommended to drink 100-200 ml of a cool drink (18-20°C) every 40-50 minutes.
In addition, do not neglect the first course — cold okroshka or gazpacho will not only refresh, but also provide the body with the necessary moisture.
By the way, nutritionists insist that there should be as many liquid dishes as possible on our table in the heat.
One "but": it is not necessary to consume a lot of liquid for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, and those who have kidney problems.
The need for energy in hot weather is reduced by about 5%, and therefore, our body needs less high-calorie food in summer.
According to scientists, the need for energy in hot weather decreases by about 5%, and therefore, our body needs less high-calorie food in summer.
We forget about fatty meat, cakes, pancakes and oliviers, we lean on vegetables, fruits and dairy products. However, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon fats.
Nutrition experts prescribe the following daily diet in the heat:
Hot weather is a real test for the body. We suffer from a lack of appetite, and after eating, we feel a heaviness in the stomach. To help the body function normally in extreme heat, nutritionists recommend a shifted diet, when the main meals are transferred to the cool time of the day.
It is better to have breakfast as early as possible — at 6-7 in the morning. Lunch — before the midday heat, at 11-11: 30. Dinner is at 18: 00. For those who can't sleep on an empty stomach, a small snack is provided at 20-21:00.
At the same time, the caloric content of the daily diet should be distributed as follows:
If in the cold season breakfast is traditionally associated with carbohydrates, which give fast energy, then in the heat it is better to eat carbohydrate food at lunch.
Vegetable and fruit salads, buckwheat and rice, potatoes and lean soups-these dishes can be eaten in the middle of the day without fear of heaviness in the stomach. Such carbohydrates are easily digested, form a minimum amount of oxidation products (when compared with fats and proteins), and therefore, it will not take much liquid (especially valuable in the heat) to remove them from the body.
Meat and fish dishes are recommended to be transferred to dinner and / or breakfast. In cool conditions, it will be easier for the body to digest them.
Sour-milk products with a low fat content will help to satisfy hunger before going to bed.
Seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries, juices, unsweetened fruit drinks, lemonades and compotes, herbal teas and kvass will help our body to replenish the vitamins and trace elements lost together with sweat in hot weather.
Along with sweat, our body loses precious vitamins and trace elements (especially water-soluble vitamins C, B1, B2, B6 and PP). As a result, we experience lethargy, the immune system weakens, vitamin deficiency may develop.
To prevent this from happening, we eat unlimited quantities of fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries (preferably native, not overseas), drink fresh juices, unsweetened fruit drinks, lemonades and compotes, herbal teas and kvass, mix homemade smoothies.
And do not forget to salt the food a little more than usual.
By the way: in the heat, we are more often than usual susceptible to various intestinal infections, so it is necessary to wash fruits, vegetables and herbs very carefully. Perishable products should be stored in the refrigerator. Do not buy confectionery products with cream.
Keywords: Health and medicine | Heat | Summer | Food | Food and drinks
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