How to cook the perfect steak at home

Fans of fried meat do not necessarily have to dine in an elite restaurant to enjoy high-quality taste. An excellent steak can be cooked at home without spending a lot of money and time. British top chefs shared recommendations on how to achieve the perfect result by cooking steak on the stove and on the grill. Read and cook with us the best steaks in your own kitchen!

How to cook the perfect steak at home

In order to enjoy the perfect steak, it is not necessary to go to an expensive restaurant. Delicious and flavorful meat can be cooked at home if you follow certain rules. Several famous British chefs have given tips on how to fry an excellent steak without spending a lot of money and effort.

How to cook the perfect steak at home

It all starts with the choice of meat. It is better to buy it in stores or butcher shops that you trust. Ask the butcher where he got the goods. If everything suits you, take a rib eye, because it contains the necessary amount of fat, which gives the steak a rich taste.

Nevertheless, everyone's tastes are different. Based on this, you can cook part of the ham, and tenderloin, and fillet. It all depends on how fat meat you like. For example, if you prefer chicken thighs to chicken fillet, then entrecote is better for you. If you like a more dietary chicken breast, then try a tenderloin or fillet.

Be sure to take out the meat at least an hour before cooking so that it reaches room temperature. Thanks to this simple life hack, you can get a juicy tender steak with a crispy crust.

How to cook the perfect steak at home

When grilling a steak, salt is necessary. It is better to salt the meat 5-10 minutes before cooking. As a result, the steak will be perfectly salted and at the same time tender and juicy. An open fire allows the salt to seep into the piece and melt the fat. But salt is not the only way to add flavor.

How to cook the perfect steak at home

Put a few pieces of butter with seasonings on the steak. Wait until it melts and spreads all over the piece. Pre-mix finely chopped basil and garlic with softened butter, roll it into a sausage and put it in the freezer.

If you like the aroma of smoke, mix 100 g of salt, 30 g of ground black pepper and 10 g of smoked paprika. Rub the mixture on the steaks before cooking.

Chefs also advise adding butter and herbs to the pan. Thyme and crushed garlic clove are ideal. Pour this oil over the steak when it starts to foam and turns golden brown.

How to cook the perfect steak at home

The key point in cooking a steak is not to turn it over often while it is on fire. After putting the meat in a frying pan or on the grill, do not touch it for 60% of the entire cooking time. Turning over, put the piece exactly in the place where it was, and continue to fry until cooked. Thus, you will ensure the same temperature regime as in the first part of the cooking process. In addition, it will relax the muscle fibers and make the steak softer.

When heated, the liquid and blood rise to the top of the piece. When we flip the steak, they seep through all the meat. As a result, the steak is soaked in its own juices and saturated with flavors.

How to cook the perfect steak at home

Chefs recommend using a kitchen thermometer. To prepare the perfect steak, you need to maintain the correct temperature during the entire process.

Here is the required temperature for different degrees of roasting:

Rare — 40°C

Medium rare — 45°C

Medium — 50°C

Well done — 60°C+

How to cook the perfect steak at home

Do not forget that the steak should wait a little in the pan after roasting to remain juicy and tasty when served to the table. Fry the rib eye for 2-3 minutes on each side in a well-heated frying pan. Then leave the meat for about the same time as it was cooked. Thus, the taste of the dish will be fully revealed.

How to cook the perfect steak at home

It is important to remember that sauces should emphasize the taste of the steak, and not drown it out. For a fatty rib eye, a refreshing chimichurri or salsa verde is suitable. Lean meat, such as fillets, is best served with cream sauce.

As a side dish, you need to choose something that will balance the flavors on the plate. The acid of toasted tomatoes or greens sprinkled with lemon juice will emphasize the best shades of meat flavor.

Meanwhile, vegetable steaks are being successfully sold in Europe, which cannot be distinguished from real ones. Vegetarians can enjoy their taste and smell without eating meat.

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