How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

Categories: Fashion | North America

Millions of women dream of a thin waist. But among them there are also those who want to get not just a beautiful figure, but to become the very best. The American Cathie Jung, the owner of the thinnest waist in the world, falls into this category. Now the record holder is 86 years old, but she is in excellent shape and does not give her competitors a single chance to win.

How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

Katie Jung's waist size in a corset is only 38.1 cm. Without a corset, the figure is not so impressive - 53 cm, but still commands respect. Despite her advanced age, the woman looks good and says she feels great. Her rivals, including many models, left the race long ago, never getting close to Katie’s result. Her compatriot Sammy Wilson is breathing down Jung's neck, but she is still 1 cm behind the record.

How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

Katie wanted to get a wasp waist back in school. She eagerly looked at photos of models in magazines and imagined herself in their place. To reduce her waist size as much as possible, the girl followed strict diets and did special exercises. But she was still not satisfied with the result and was looking for new ways to get rid of centimeters.

How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

At the age of 22, the American woman saw a corset in a store window and this moment became a turning point for her. Then Katie bought her first shapewear and tried to cinch her waist with it. She liked the result and since then she has not parted with these wardrobe items for more than 60 years. A woman takes off her corset only to put on another one or go to the shower.

How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

Surprisingly, Katie Jung carried and gave birth to 3 children. It is impossible to verify her words, but the woman claims that she wore corsets even during pregnancy. She claims that even before giving birth, her waist did not exceed 66 cm. Doctors persuaded her to part with the accessory for a while, but Jung was adamant. By the way, all three of the woman’s children, contrary to doctors’ predictions, were born absolutely healthy.

How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

Katie herself, at 86, feels great. She is married to a surgeon and her husband personally monitors her health. Her husband's profession was the source of rumors that Jung had surgery to narrow her waist. But experts from the Guinness Book of Records, recording the American woman’s achievement, refuted these speculations.

How Katie Jung became the owner of the thinnest waist in the world

As for corsets, Katie has 100 of them. Among them there are both custom-made and purchased in regular stores. Jung is a regular participant in TV shows and programs about beauty and fashion. In addition, she is often invited by reenactors to demonstrate ancient outfits.

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