How is your cat trying to talk to you

How is your cat trying to talk to you

Categories: Animals

Cat owners know that their pets have a very wayward character. This feature is clearly manifested when the owner makes the wrong decision to play with them at the wrong time. Depending on the feeling of the level of safety and comfort, the mood of the cat can change dramatically at any second. To be ready for various mental states of your pet, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the main options for cat poses.

How is your cat trying to talk to you

How is your cat trying to talk to you


When cats lie stretched out on their side in a relaxed position, they feel safe and they do not need to be alert. In this position, they go into a deep sleep, a sure sign of which is twitching of the limbs. 

How is your cat trying to talk to you


Cats can show their happiness in various ways. They can sit upright and observe the surrounding environment. Or they can lie with their paws tucked up, resembling the pose of a sphinx: the head is straight, but the state is relaxed, without signs of aggression. 

How is your cat trying to talk to you


When a cat is in the process of hunting, its entire body is focused on the object. Its prey can be a toy, an insect or a mouse. The cat's body is pressed low to the ground, and its hind legs are tucked up — the predator is preparing to jump. 

How is your cat trying to talk to you


Cats show their playfulness by wriggling in different directions and rolling on their backs. They may start meowing, trying to get your attention to start the game. Cats want to show you that they are harmless and are looking for a fun pastime. 

How is your cat trying to talk to you

Confident and satisfied.

The cat is lying on its back, and its open stomach indicates a sense of confidence and security in the surrounding environment. But in this position, he can defend himself if necessary. Even in the prone position, all four paws are ready to attack. Those who try to stroke the cat's tummy in this position will be severely taught by bites and claws. 

How is your cat trying to talk to you


Cats spend most of their day in this position. They can just lie curled up in a ball. There is no tension in the body, they are relaxed and can contentedly observe what is happening around them. 

How is your cat trying to talk to you


The arched back is the first sign that the cat is afraid of something. The fur stands on end, and thus the animals try to take on a more intimidating appearance, to appear larger. They consider something in their environment as a threat and use this position as a way of protection. They are ready to strike at any object that scares them.

How is your cat trying to talk to you


If the cat's head is low to the ground, and its ears are pressed, then it feels a sense of anxiety and feels cornered. Cats are grouped in a small ball, trying to become smaller than they really are.

How is your cat trying to talk to you


The cat's body language can show a feeling of fear or anxiety by physical changes: either a defensive tangle, or an arched back. But by stretching, they relieve their tension, which bound their body during the danger. This is a sign that they feel relieved and are no longer alarmed by the situation. Although this pose may be just a stretch after waking up. 

How is your cat trying to talk to you


Unfortunately, cats do not often want attention from their owners as much as they would like. But sometimes even the most obstinate cat needs it. Arching its back and rubbing its head against your legs, the cat notifies about its friendly mood. Its fur is straightened, showing that the animal is not alarmed and is waiting for your touch. 

Keywords: Animals | Cats | Facts | Language | Conversation

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