How fast does hair grow and what factors influence it

How fast does hair grow and what factors influence it

Categories: Health and Medicine

Long and thick hair is the dream of many women and even some men. But someone is waiting for a serious disappointment — the hairstyle is in no hurry to become lush. Moreover, the longer the strands, the less attractive they look. Even expensive drugs and medical procedures do not always help. How fast does our hair grow and what factors influence this process?

How fast does hair grow and what factors influence it

How fast the hair grows depends on many factors. The main ones are considered to be genetics, age, hair type and general health. But there are average indicators determined by scientists — this is 1.3 cm per month. Hair growth is divided into three cycles: anagen, catagen and telogen.

How fast does hair grow and what factors influence it

Anagen, or the growth phase, lasts from 3 to 5 years. After that, the cathogen phase begins, which can be called transitional. It lasts only 10 days. After that, the hair goes into telogen or a state of rest. It is at this stage that they most often fall out. After completing the three phases, the hair follicle rests for about 3 months. After that, everything repeats from the beginning.

The most rapid hair growth occurs from 15 to 30 years. With age, the natural process slows down. This is due to the aging of the body and age-related hormonal changes. It also happens that the hair follicles stop developing. In this case, the hair becomes thin and brittle. If the hair follicles die, then the hair in this place will no longer grow.

How fast does hair grow and what factors influence it

But all this does not mean that young people under 30 have hair growing equally fast. The process can slow down due to diseases, lack of nutrients or vitamins, stress and hormonal imbalance. Taking certain medications and hot hair styling also worsens the situation.

The age factor affecting the growth rate will not be eliminated. But there are still ways to improve the situation. First of all, you need to pay attention to the lifestyle. Proper, balanced nutrition, a full night's sleep and physical activity will help your hair grow faster. It is also worth giving up bad habits, because tobacco and alcohol are poisons, and it is known that such substances depress our body.

How fast does hair grow and what factors influence it

The effect will not appear instantly. To feel the difference, you will have to wait 2-3 months. If nothing has changed during this period and the hair continues to grow poorly and, as before, it does not look good, it is worth contacting a medical specialist. A trichologist will do tests, determine the cause of the problem and prescribe treatment. And the almighty contouring can also help, for which, it seems, there are no impossible tasks.

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