How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

Categories: Society

There are many places in the world where only the chosen ones can be. The cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia are well known to everyone, where only Muslims are allowed in. There are also less well-known "forbidden" places, such as the old man's city of Sun City in the USA. But only a few people know about the Brazilian city of women Noiva do Cordeiro. But this is a place that is definitely worthy of attention.

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

An entry in the city archive of Noiva do Cordeiro says that the city was founded in 1891. It immediately became an absolutely female territory, where it is strictly forbidden for men to appear. More than 130 years have passed, and this small town 400 km from the Brazilian capital is still inaccessible to the stronger sex.

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

Archival documents say that Noiva do Cordeiro was founded by a woman named Maria di Lima. Of course, at first it was not a city, but just a farm in the forest, where the wife who ran away from the despot lived. Maria ran a small household and felt great away from male attention.

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

Over time, rumors about a woman living in the forest spread around and like-minded women began to join di Lima. Soon a whole street was lined up behind Maria's house and they had to give the village the name Noiva do Cordeiro. The first residents of this place have compiled their own set of rules, which operate almost unchanged for more than a century.

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

The main law of the town was the complete rejection of men. Not only can they not live in the city and come to visit its residents. Men are forbidden even to approach the borders of Noiva do Cordeiro. Compliance with these rules is monitored by the local police, in which, of course, only women work.

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

Nowadays, the population of the Brazilian city of women is about 500 people. Almost all the inhabitants of Noiva do Cordeiro work in agriculture and cultivate fields on farms. The only exceptions are those who are engaged in trade and the service sector. In the town, everyone has the same rights and helps each other in any way they can.

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

New residents are always welcome in Noiva do Cordeiro. Any single woman can come here to live and she will not be denied shelter and work. They even accept those who came without documents, because they believe that there are different situations in life. There is enough work on farms around the city for everyone, so any not too lazy settler can feed herself.

How does Noiva do Cordeiro live – the only city in the world where there are no men

It is just as easy to leave the hospitable Noiva do Cordeiro. No one is being held here, and if one of the townspeople is longing for male attention, then she can leave at any time. However, if a woman finds a life partner, the way back will be closed to her.

But even a place as true to tradition as Noiva do Cordeiro has been affected by the wind of change. About a year ago, residents of the city began discussing the issue of abolishing complete isolation from men. A change in the law is being considered, according to which men will be able to come to the city. How to organize it has not yet been decided, but most likely, such "open days" will occur no more than 1-2 times a year.

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