How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Categories: Animals

Most of the animals on earth touches and make you smile. But there are a few creatures that are unlikely to cause a storm of positive emotions. In our ranking of the "Anti-mi-mi-mi" are 10 of the works of nature with a very peculiar appearance. Each of them can compete for the title of the ugliest creatures on this planet.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Reconozca ay-ay

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

When in 1780, scientists have discovered in Madagascar, this strange creature with huge eyes, protruding ears, weird teeth, and long fingers, they didn't know to which species of animals to include. I wanted to find a rodent, but the Aye-Aye weight like a cat, and a fluffy tail like a squirrel.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

After a detailed study, scientists agreed that this strange beast refers to the group of prosimians, it is the largest nocturnal Primate.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Reconozca a bit like a monster because of his long clawed fingers. The third finger of the fore limbs are especially valuable: they animal comb fur, produces larvae, with his help, drinking, dipping a finger into the water and carefully sucking.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

And skilled claws help reconozcan to weave nests-shelter from branches and leaves high in the trees.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Land development of the Madagascar people has led to a decline in the population of rokonok. They had only fifty in 1972. For recovery of the species in Madagascar was created 16 reservations, where reconoce really be able to live and reproduce. So managed to save these not the most beautiful but priceless animals — they live only in Madagascar and are the only members of the family reconozco.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Purple frog

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

In 2003 in jungle mountain ranges of the Western Ghats in India were discovered amazing underground frog.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Biologists nothing about her knew because she lived most of the year underground, and only in one place with an area of 14 km2. Thanks to the tip nose, she received the Latin name Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (nasika in Sanskrit means "nose"). For dark purple color it is also called the violet (or purple) frog.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Jelly-like slimy amphibian grows up to 9 cm, lives underground, feeding on termites, and the surface gets only a couple of weeks for the sake of Dating and procreation.

Naked mole rat

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

This not-very-nice underground creature lives in the arid savannas and semi-deserts of the African countries: Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. Naked mole rat is the longest lasting among the rodents — lives of about 30 years and are virtually not a day spends on the surface.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Animal surprised scientists in a number of characteristics: he doesn't drink water, insensitive to pain, cuts, burns, easily carries a large concentration of carbon dioxide and it is not subject to the formation of cancerous tumors.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Specific appearance is the result of adaptation to subterranean rodent life, the aim of which is to dig, dig and dig again. A quarter of muscle mass in diggers falls on the muscles of the jaws. They have poor eyesight, sharp claws and a bald oblong body length up to 10 cm, the teeth are separated from the oral cavity with special growths of the lips, so that the earth does not fall into their body during underground works.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Interestingly, these animals live in colonies like ants and perform different roles depending on the size. The biggest diggers protect the colony relatives from predators, and the smallest are engaged in the production of food and farming cubs, and maintain complex tunnel system to 3-5 km in length. The colony has one Queen is Queen, she will mate only with two or three males and can give birth to life to 900 babies and the rest of the males and females do not have the intimate life, remaining solely workhorses.


How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

This deep-sea fish often tops the tops of the most bizarre creatures of nature. In 2013, she was chosen as the mascot of the British society for the protection of ugly animals. Jelly fish with a sad expression "person" then scored 10 000 votes, ahead of monkey the proboscis monkey, the world's largest frog living on lake Titicaca flightless parrot kakapo from New Zealand and a water "monster" the axolotl.

Fish-drop, which is also called bull-psychrolutes, is a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water — this allows the fish to swim without any expenditure of energy. Her "face" it appears dull because there is a widely-set eyes and drooping corners of the mouth.

The fish is very caring: she sits on the eggs like a hen on eggs, and after the appearance of the offspring is taking care of the cubs. The species is poorly studied and is endemic to Australia, that is not found anywhere else in the world except near the shores of the Green continent and Tasmania. Recent fish-drop at risk of extinction because of the expansion of deep-sea fisheries. In Asian countries, the bull-psychrolutes is considered a delicacy, hence all his woes.


How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

He's Zvezdara. Found only in Eastern North America. Around each nostril this mole — 11 of skin growths, which are the organs of touch.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Only 22 of them, and they are able to move faster than time to notice the human eye.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Only with the camera, scientists were able to calculate that this animal may examine the "tentacles" to 13 small objects per second. When zvezdano eating, he collects his "rays" to the beam, and when she drinks, immerses them in water.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Two of the 22 tendrils of Zvezdara not bend and are always facing forward. Photographers love to shoot Zvezdara a macro, aiming to "tentacles" and so he looks particularly ugly.

Bat Vietnam

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

In 2012, scientists announced a new species of bat Hipposideros griffini. These animals with unattractive face was detected in several regions of Vietnam. Mice were completely different DNA than their relatives. Scientists came to the conclusion that the unusual shape of the nose, formed by a fold of skin, helps mice to use echolocation. The species was named H. griffini in honor of Professor Donald Redfield Griffin, an expert on the echolocation of bats — that his work has helped to identify that it has found a whole new look.


How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Because of the appearance and habits Marabu has a reputation as ugly, evil and insidious birds meeting which is a bad sign.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

From Marabu bald head, massive beak and breast hanging fleshy leathery bag, the purpose of which is still unknown to scientists.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Marabu is the largest representative of the family iscovich performing the function of a nurse-scavenger. This bird feeds on carrion, but can eat eggs and young crocodiles, and eat their relatives — birds.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Digestive system allows Marabu digest even large bones.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Deep sea angler

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

That's really who you can withdraw in horror films without makeup. The second name of this sinister fish monkfish. She dwells in the vast depths up to 3 km and hunt with the help of special bait with the "light" at the end: the light attracts prey, while the fish remains wide open his toothy mouth.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Until recently, people were presented angler fish especially ugly: with swollen bodies and bulging eyes. But they appear on the surface when take out the bottom of the fishermen, and in the depths, where they are under pressure of tons of water, they look a bit different. Photograph anglerfish in the natural environment was only at the end of 2014: with the help of an underwater robot in Monterey Bay, American scientists have made a rare footage of one of the varieties of this terrible fish — black anglerfish Johnson.


How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Beauty standards in force in the animal world, poorly mapped to human. For example, baboons. They are in ordinary time look... specific.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

But even "more beautiful", a female baboon during the mating period: it is devoid of vegetation ass swells to epic proportions and becomes bright red.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Something that may shock the visitors of the zoo, a male is a mating call. The larger and redder the ass the better the female is ready to pregnancy and motherhood.


How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

The warthog, perhaps the ugliest member of the family of pigs. His tapered head is covered with excrescences like warts, and from the mouth stick Scarecrow fangs up to a length of 60 cm.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

The hair grows unevenly: like the mane of a hard and rare bristle covers only the back of the head and spine. He, like the other pig likes to dig in the dirt and always looks dirty, limbs he's got a big corn from the constant digging.

How does a real anti-mi-mi-mi

Warthog cautious and fearful, in case of danger, he raised the tail up, for which he received the nickname "Radio Africa".

Keywords: Animals | Beauty and appearance

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