How Apps Help you get into your Pocket

How Apps Help you get into your Pocket

Categories: Society | Technology | World

Sad statistics suggest that in the In Russia, there are at least three thousand attempts to steal money every month with the help of special software. Applications created by hackers allow users to connect to their computers and smartphones and make illegal transactions.

Information security experts working in the financial sector told us how to distinguish an application that can steal from you from the usual one.

How Apps Help you get into your Pocket

Programs that give attackers access to the accounts of Russians cause trouble not only for ordinary citizens. It is estimated that Russian banks are short-changed from 6 to 10 million rubles every month precisely because of this type of fraud.

How Apps Help you get into your Pocket

Applications that provide remote access to computers and mobile devices are not malware in themselves. Programs such as TeamViewer are actively used by technical support services for remote troubleshooting and hardware configuration.

But using them for criminal purposes is also easy. Alexander Dvoryansky, director of strategic communications at Infosecurity a Softline Company, told reporters about the most common trick of criminals.

Usually, an attacker calls a person on behalf of the bank's security service and, under some pretext, asks them to install an application for remote access. Following the lead of the fraudster, the user of the computer or gadget gives him full access to the equipment, as well as to all accounts and accounts.

How Apps Help you get into your Pocket

Sometimes everything is even easier — the user is sent a link in an email, clicking on which he unwittingly gives attackers access to his device. This method is called phishing and does not even require the installation of software to steal funds.

Another option is for a person to install a program that has undocumented features. That is, when downloading it to your gadget, the user does not realize that, in addition to an important function for him, the program also has a hidden, "useful" already for scammers.

There are several signs of malware that should alert the user and make him refuse to install the application. Alexey Sizov, head of the Anti-fraud department of the Center for Applied Security Systems of the Jet Infosystems company, reported the following information:

How Apps Help you get into your Pocket

In general, the absence of the program in the official mobile app stores Google Play and AppStore can be a warning signal.

Despite the fact that criminals are resourceful and cunning, it is not so difficult to secure their computers and smartphones. The head of the Check Point Software Technologies representative office in Russia and the CIS, Vasily Diaghilev, believes that it is worth adhering to such simple rules of information security:

How Apps Help you get into your Pocket

And, of course, it is better not to have remote access programs on your device, especially if their installation was strongly recommended by a third party.

The series about hackers "Mr. Robot" is a real warning to everyone who is careless about their information security. The film shows several ways that cybercriminals use to get hold of other people's money or important data.

Keywords: Bank | Security | Gadgets | Money | Criminals | Software | Hackers

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