How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon

How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon

Categories: World

Italian sculptor Valeriano Fatica turned an ordinary watermelon into the head of a monstrously scary dragon. The watermelon season has just begun in Moscow and St. Petersburg - now we know what to do with them WHEN YOU CAN'T EAT THEM LONGER!

The master captured the process of carving on camera, and we can observe this magic.

(Total 6 photos)

How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon

How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon


How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon


How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon


How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon


How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon


How a watermelon was turned into a creepy dragon


Keywords: Watermelon | Dragon | Sculptor | Sculpture

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